english deutsch
Universities, Alberta Research Council, Health Informatics, Biostatistical Resources, Center for Medical Informatics - Mount Sinai Schoo, Clinical Informatics Research & Development Gr, Cognitive Science Branch (CgSB) National Library , Gateway to Health Informatics For Teaching (GHIFT), IT Perspectives, MedExpert / WWW, Medical Informatics Courses from National Library , Pathmaster project of the Yale Center for Medical
American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI), American Health Information Management Association, American Medical Informatics Association, Association of Medical Directors of Information Sy, Australian College of Health Informatics, British Computer Society Health Informatics, British Medical Informatics Society, College of Healthcare Information Management Execu, eHealth Institute, ERCIM Working Group on Health and Information Tech
3M Health Information Systems, Axis Solutions UK, Biohealthmatics.com, Care Is #1, Cientis Technologies, Clinic Management System, Clinical Informatics Inc., CliniSoft Corporation, Constella Group, Digital Physician
Conferences and Meetings
Health Informatics Conference 2004 Brisbane, Healthcare Computing Conference and Exhibition, HIMAA 2003 Conference: Health Information Manageme, ICMCC - International Conference on Medical and Ca, Ninth International Congress in Nursing Informatic, Toward an Electronic Patient Record Conference and
Electronic Health Record Architectures
Alberta Wellnet, Deep Thought Informatics, HL7 Electronic Health Record Functional Model and , OpenEHR
Journals and Publications
A Soft Systems Methodology Model for Clinical Deci, Building Workforce Capacity in Health Informatics, Consumer Health Informatics and Patient Decisionma, Future Health Bulletin, Guide to Health Informatics, Handbook of Medical Informatics, Musen, J.H. and V, Health and Medical Informatics Digest, Health Data Management, Health Informatics Europe, Healthcare Informatics Online
Bleich, Dr Howard Leslie, Coiera, Dr Enrico, Conrick, Dr Moya, Elkin, Peter L. M.D., Hovenga, Dr Evelyn Johanna Sophia, Ingram, Professor David, Kalra, Dr Dipak, Legg, Professor Michael, O'Brien, Dr Brendan - Healthcare Informatici, Slack, Dr Warner
Hardhats Around the World, HealthCyberMap, Mountain Medical Technologies - Electronic Medical, Open Source Software for Better Health Care (Spiri, Patient Information Generated by Loosely Intellige
Health Level 7 - HL7, Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12, American National Standards Institute's Healt, Australian Pathology Code Lists, Development of Standards for Health Informatics, Duke University, Medical Informatics Standards, Information and Communications Technhnology Standa, Information Technology and Applications Standards , Report on Pathology Request Codes (Extract), Setting the Standards - a national health informat, The power of positive ID
Associations, Conferences and Meetings, Publications and Papers, Teleconsultation Services, Aerotel Medical Systems (Israel), AFHCAN Telemedicine Project, AMD Telemedicine, Inc - Telemedicine Products &, Apollo Telemedicine - Telepathology and Digital Im, Arent Fox E-Health and Telemedicine, Center for Telemedicine/Telehealth, Center of Excellence for Remote and Medically Unde, CERMUSA - Center of Excellence for Remote and Medi, Delivering Behavioral Telehealth via the Internet:, Directorate of Telemedicine at the Walter Reed Arm
Terminologies and Classifications
Classifications and Terminologies Working Group (C, Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (L, Medical informatics at Mayo Clinic, National Centre for Classification in Health, OpenGALEN, SNOMED International: The Systematized Nomenclatur, Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
Dr. Subrahmanyam Karuturi - Dot Com Doctor
Basic information on software, hardware, internet, trends, maintenance, articles, reviews, a 'text content summarizer' and links. Indian focused though in English.
Hardin MD: Medical Informatics and Computers
University of Iowa, lists of web sources, software, and computers.
Health Informatics FAQ
Answers to various health informatics questions by Professor Vicki Sauter.
Health Informatics World Wide
Comprehensive index of links to medical and nursing informatics.
Health Online
Australia's national strategic plan for health information management
Indian Medical Informatics
Weblog categorizing and analyzing medical informatics (and more) with a focus on India. Interactive site with reader discussions, archive, recent item list and search details.
Medical Expert Systems
Resources for medical professionals on the latest computer based decision support systems.
Medical Informatics
Links to history, associations, articles, definitions. A number of the links are not working.
Medical Informatics (Minfor)
Articles on medical informatics. Links to related literature, journals and articles.
Pharmacy Informatics
News, articles, topical information and a networking facility between pharmacists and information technologists.