A to Z fitness
Over 700 links sorted by category and still growing. Free personal training advice via the bbs monitered by 5 certified trainers.
CAFitness Resource
Find a gym, personal trainer, or fitness center in your area.
Canadian Wellness Internet Directory
Listing businesses across Canada related to fitness, wellness, training, and health.
Exercise, from About.com
Offers fitness and exercise related links, articles, information, and discussions.
Good Gym Guide
Lists gyms, related businesses, personal trainers. Australia.
Gyms, health clubs, athletic clubs, hotel gyms, racquet clubs, women-only gyms, studios.
Health Club Directory.com
Health clubs, fitness centers, gyms, for personal training, yoga and Pilates, aerobics. North America.
Services, information, and products for fitness and health professionals, health clubs, and consumers.
IHRSA Health Clubs
Locate member health clubs in Canada, the United States, and internationally.
The Fit Map
Search for UK health clubs, personal trainers, and health food shops via town or postcode.
Your Online Fitness
Locator listed alphabetically by US State.