American Family Physician
The official clinical journal of the American Academy of Family Physicians.
American Medical Association - Scientific Publicat
Free access to tables of contents, abstracts, selected full-text articles, searchable archives and other features from the AMA's family of scientific information services.
British Medical Journal
Contains the full text of all articles published in the weekly BMJ from January 1997. In addition it contains material which is unique to the website. Access is free.
FDA Consumer Magazine
Offers new and in-depth information on how to get healthy and stay healthy. All articles are available for viewing online.
Health Advice for Students and Young People from S
Medical journal aimed specifically at student health matters. Written by National Health Service physicians at the University of Sussex. Offers advice leaflets on topical and student related issues. Updated weekly.
Health Canada's REAL Health
REAL Health is Health Canada's online magazine for consumers.
Journal Database Browser
The PubMed Journal Browser allows you to look up journal names, MEDLINE abbreviations, or ISSN numbers for journals that are included in the PubMed system.
Journal of American Medical Women's Associati
Peer-reviewed, quarterly medical journal that focuses on women's health.
Medical Journals on the WWW
Links to the homepages of medical journals in dozens of disciplines.
MEDLINE Journals With Links to Publisher Web Sites
This is a list of the journals in MEDLINE for which publishers have provided links to their journal Web sites. Web-based journals usually contain the full-text of the original article.
North Carolina Medical Journal
Official publication of North Carolina Medical Society. Six issues a year. Intended for both doctors and patients.