American Academy of Family Physicians' Patien, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, American Academy of Pediatrics - You and Your Fami, American Physical Therapy Association Public Infor, Appropriate Utilization of Antibiotics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Don't Get Caught Dirty Handed, Federal Consumer Information Center Health, Food and Drug Administration Easy-to-Read Publicat, HRSA Information Center
A Healthy Me,, Asking the Doc, Diseases Explained, E Health Connection, e-MDs, Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs, Fast Health, FreeOrtho, Health Library Reading Room
Association of Reproductive Health Professionals -, MedBioWorld's Medical and Science Dictionarie, Medical Glossary, Medical Terms Information Guide, MedicineNet: Medical Dictionary, Sharp eCare - Health Info A to Z, Surgery Door, Taber's Online, Terms of Environment, Word! A List of Weird Medical Words
American Family Physician, American Medical Association - Scientific Publicat, British Medical Journal, Canadian Medical Association Journal, FDA Consumer Magazine, Health Advice for Students and Young People from S, Health Canada's REAL Health, Journal Database Browser, Journal of American Medical Women's Associati, Medical Journals on the WWW
A Guide to Medical Information and Support on the
Covers medical chats, newsgroups, listservs, doctors online, Medline access, research tips, and comprehensive medical and health sites.
Information on health related issues as they affect African Americans and other minorities at risk.
Allexperts Medical Q&A
Doctors, professors, and others in all major fields of medicine ready, willing, and able to answer your questions.
Anesthesia Patient Safety
Undergoing anesthesia can be frightening and intimidating without the facts. Find out what you or your child needs to know for a safe anesthesia experience.
Anesthesia Preoperative Preparation
Useful information on the preoperative preparation of patients for anesthesia and surgery.
Be MedWise
A public education initiative by the National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE) to promote safe and appropriate use of over-the-counter medicines.
Berlex Canada
Provides health information on various topics such as menopause, contraception, acne, and multiple sclerosis.
Case Health
Enables the sharing of health success stories amongst the worldwide internet community. Visitors can enter their own health success story (case study) or search the database for other health success stories - all non-identifying.
Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinn
Patient education information written by the nurses and physicians at Children's Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati.
Complete Home Medical Guide
Online medical encyclopedia. Includes commonly prescribed drugs.
Cooper Institute Virtual Patient Information Resou
Prepares consumers for their enhanced role as more active and assertive partners in the management of their health care through patient education.
CT Network
Provides support for CAT Scan patients. Includes a message board for communication, descriptions, and links for all things CT.
Doc Trish Explains It All
Receive translation of medical jargon and explanation of conditions or diseases by a family doctor, into plain English.
An online resource for solutions for pressing health problems, from arthritis to blood pressure, digestion to weight loss.
Enhancement, Inc
A nonprofit foundation whose purpose is to teach and disseminate material relating to health and/or wellness, through videos, publications, and lectures.
A database of over 600 articles and guides, covering 37 common medical topics. All articles are reviewed and edited by family doctors and specialists.
Good Health -- Healthy Lifestyle
This site is dedicated to convincing people to live a healthy lifestyle, to improve their quality of life, and avoid (or reduce the severity of) chronic disease.
Good Housekeeping - Can the Internet Be Hazardous
Article from the magazine pertaining to health issues.
Health and Medical Information
Medical and health information for health professionals, patients and families. Information about hospitals, diseases, injuries, health care, surgery and infections.
Health Authority
Offers information on tobacco addiction, weight loss, cholesterol reduction and hypertension control.
Medical and health self-help information, covering conventional and alternative health.
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Developed by leading medical experts, these tests and actions, both medical and self-examinations, are the focal point of the Healthful Life Program.
HealthAnswers Inc
Developing knowledgeable, empowered consumers actively engaged in managing their own health. Learn to work with professionals, managed care organizations, employers, pharmaceutical, device and other healthcare companies.
A "gateway" website for health and human services information from the US Government. Healthfinder can lead you to selected online publications, clearinghouses, databases, web sites, and support and self-help groups, as well as the government agencies and not-for-profit organizations.
HealthScout: Personalized Health News For You And
Personal and family health news, interactive checkups, medical encyclopedias, discussion groups, articles on drugs, diseases.
Healthtouch Online
A resource that brings together valuable information from trusted sources on topics such as medications, health, diseases, supplements, and natural medicine.
HealthySelf: Health and Medical Information Resear
HealthySelf provides fee-based health and medical information on diseases, procedures, treatments (conventional and alternative) and resources.
HELP - Health Education Library for People
with many free online full-text books and magazines on health and illness.
Helping Children Cope With the Intensive Care Unit
A multimedia booklet providing the public with basic information about equipment such as ventilators and IVs used in the intensive care units. Sounds of these equipment are available from the site. Taken from the Iowa Health Book, a part of the University of Iowa's Virtual Hospital.
Home Healthcare Guide
The NHS Home Healthcare guide from SurgeryDoor provides over 120 pages on common ailments, their causes, effects and treatment.
How to Review Your Blood Test Results
Explains glucose, electrolytes, minerals, thyroid and others.
ICU Answer Page
Written by a critical care nurse, and aimed at patients and relatives. The site offers information, links and a forum.
JAMA's Patient Education Pages
The full text of patient education pages from the Journal of the American Medical Association.
James Kimbro Maguire, Jr., M.D. Simmons Surgical S
Dr. Maguire is a spine surgeon and member of the Simmons Surgical Society.
Lab Tests Online
Designed as a single resource where people can find up-to-date lab testing information vital to the understanding and management of their health.
Mayo Clinic Health Oasis
Mayo Clinic experts provide current medical information and news on health topics.
MCare: Health at Home
An online book covering a broad range of health topics, with questions to guide the reader as to whether the condition can be treated at home or should be checked by a doctor.
Med Help International - The Virtual Medical Cente
Med Help provides patient medical information via our virtual medical center. Site includes: the largest patient medical library on the Net, Ask-The-Doctor Forums, medical news, and patient networking.
Medifocus Patient Research Guides
A unique new Internet health resource. Covering over 220 conditions, for consumers and families facing chronic or life-threatening medical diseases. Free sample Guides are available.
MedInfo - Patient Information
MedInfo provides accessible and easy to understand information for patients on common ailments and medical questions.
MUSC Health
Complete health and disease information along with the latest health care news. Presented by the experts at the Medical University of South Carolina.
National Council on Patient Information and Educat
Designed to help consumers make sound decisions about the use of medicines, and to stimulate and improve communication between consumers and health care professionals by developing programs, providing educational kits, and offering guidelines, tips, and resources.
Navy Health Book
General and comprehensive information for patient education which includes Health Promotion, Adult Medicine and Pediatrics. Compiled from the HEALTHWATCH articles in the Naval Service Medical News.
NetHealth Online Guide
A comprehensive guide to health on the Internet, with reviews and links to hundreds of online resources.
NOAH: Health Topics and Resources
A meta site of listings by topic and source with the added bonus of offering a large selection of materials in Spanish as well as English.
Ohio State University's Patient Education Doc
Covers an extensive list of medical and surgical conditions. Documents are available in pdf format.
Patient Medical Assistant
Dr. Michael Cole's quick and simple guidelines for common medical problems.
Patient Protect
Consultation devoted to protecting patients against healthcare costs, abuse, negligence, and incompetence in the field. Articles, resources, and links for those seeking medical advice or treatment.
Offers patients animated videos, graphics, and medical illustrations as explanations for the most common surgical and diagnostic procedures performed in the US.
Individuals and health care professionals can rate and review the effectiveness of different treatments for specific health conditions.
Seek Wellness
Information on incontinence, sexual problems, low testosterone, high fiber foods, eating disorders, wellness, fitness, overactive bladder, arthritis, and some other diseases.
Simmons Surgical Society
The Simmons Surgical Society is a group of physicians dedicated to the alleviation of pain and suffering experienced by patients with spinal disorders
Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound
Describes what the various types of ultrasound examinations can tell your doctor, how to prepare for your examination, and a description of the procedure.
SoYouWanna Be A Human Guinea Pig?
This full-length article will teach you how to "volunteer" for science experiments, from simple questionnaires to complex drug trials.
Spotlight Health
By combining celebrity stories with information about serious diseases, the authors of this site provide sound basic information in a format that is engaging and easy to understand.
The Medical Reporter
An independent, educational health and medical magazine on the Web for health care consumers.
Think Like A Doctor
An online community seminar for healthcare consumers to become even better patients by improving the relationship with their doctor.
Tips of All
Small bits of advice and tips on a variety of subjects, primarily health-related.
Whole Hearted Living
Provided by the Oxford Heart Health Network and the Oxford County Board of Health, Ontario, Canada. It contains useful health information and links.
Why Doctors Order Laboratory Tests
An excellent reference, written for parents to help explain diagnostic procedures to their children. Because its intended audience is children, the descriptions are brilliant in their simplicity and structure. You can search for a test in two ways: 1) by name, or 2) by the kind of sample that is collected or type of imaging.
Wired for Health
Health information at the touch of a button for young people and their teachers, Wired for Health aims to provide accurate and engaging information on health.