Altitude Sickness
Altitude Illness, Altitude Sickness and Atmospheric Pressure, American Academy of Family Physicians, Apex Altitude, Bibliography of High-Altitude Medicine and Physiol, Birmingham Medical Research Expeditionary Society, British Mountaineering Council - Mountain Medicine, CDC Travelers' Health Information on Altitude, Cerebral Syndromes, eMedicine Health - Mountain Sickness
Bites and Stings
Aquatic Organisms, Arthropods, Mammals, Snakes, Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center: Venomo, Bites and Stings, eMedicine Health - Bites and Stings, FAQ: Venomous Critters, Nature: Victims of Venom
Burn Care, Alberta Burn Rehabilitation Society, Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation, American Burn Association, Assessing a Burn, B.C. Professional Firefighters Burn Fund, Benjamin Jones, Burn Children Recovery Foundation, Burn Emergencies, Burn Recovery Center, Burn Resource Centre
A Broken Nose, AAOS - Fractures, About Fractures, About: Hip Fractures, Cervical Spine Fractures, Common Foot and Ankle Fractures, Distal Humerus Fractures - Supracondylar Fractures, Distal Radial Fractures, eMedicine Health - Ankle Fracture, eMedicine Health - Boxer's Fracture
Heat Related
Dead Heat - Why Don't Americans Sweat Over He, Dehydration, Dehydration and Heat Stroke, eMedicine Health - Heat Cramps, Extreme Heat, Fact Sheet: Extreme Heat, Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke, Heat illness, Heat Safety, Heat Stroke, Dehydration and Prevention - Cooler H
Accidental Hypothermia, Balancing hypoxia and hypothermia in cold-submerge, BBC News: Cold 'killing 50,000' each win, BBC News: Hypothermia: The facts, Chamonix Hospital Cold Injury Page, Cold Injuries & Cold Water Near Drowning Guide, Cold Weather Camping and First Aid, Cold Weather Precautions: Preventing Hypothermia, eMedicine Health - Frostbite, eMedicine Health - Hypothermia
Ask Dr. Weil - Q&A: Best Method to Block Out S, Beach Sun Safety Tips, Discovery Online -- Planet Earth Cams: Sunburn Cam, eMedicine Health - Sunburn, Ladies Home Journal - Sunburn, MEDLINEplus: Sunburn,, Rxinsider, Safe Sun Tips, Sun Protection
All About Shoulder Dislocation
Shoulder dislocation from a patient's point-of-view. Detailed illustrations accompanying text.
Children And Sports Injuries
Information on common sports injuries to children, causes and suggestions in preventing injuries. Provided by the Foundation For Chiropractic Education And Research.
Common Orthopedic Disorders - Knee
Description of several conditions and injuries of the knee, by Richard S. Glosser, M.D.
Dr. Pribut's Sports Page
Comprehensive information on injuries related to runners. In-depth descriptions, graphics, risk factors, and treatment recommendations.
eMedicine Health - Finger Dislocation
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment.
eMedicine Health - Puncture Wound
Consumer health resource center providing information on the treatment of puncture wounds.
Injury Clinic
Resources on sports related injuries. Extensive explanations, detailed graphics and treatment considerations. From SportsMed Web.
Injury Facts Reveal the Extent of the Problem
Some sobering statistics show why new Injury Research Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin is a facility whose time has come.
It's Just An Accident
The new Injury Research Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin (IRC-MCW) has set about to change old ways of thinking about injuries, with the ultimate goal of reducing fatalities and disabilities.
Pediatric On Call
Information of the Common eye injuries in children and the first aid measures that should be followed.
Play It Safe
Fact sheets and patient education brochures available on sports injuries from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Prevent Injuries in Young Soccer Players
An article by Roger M. Lyon, MD Assistant Professor, Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin.
Sports medicine and Orthopedic Surgery
An index of musculoskeletal injured areas common in sports related activities. From [Note: graphics are actual x-rays or photos of injuries - ed]
The Jefferson Health System - Orthopedic Surgery:
Brief descriptions of several common sport related injuries and treatment modalities.
Information about this organization devoted to adhesions and their related disorders (ARD). Details about treatment and prevention.
Wound Care Guide - University of Illinois
Describes signs and symptoms of wound infections, types of wounds and recommended dressings. Written for the non-professional.
Wound Healer
Site for education, information, treatment of wound healing problems.