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Acute Bronchitis
Details as to what acute bronchitis is, the causes, diagnosis, treatment, complications and when to see a doctor.
Alternative Nutrition Information
List of beneficial herbs, diet recommendations, nutrient supplements and some tips are offered for the treatment of bronchitis.
American Academy of Family Physicians - Patient I
A patient information article on acute bronchitis by William J. Hueston, M.D.
Bronchiectasis Hub
A brief definition, followed by links to research articles, studies and images.
Chronic Bronchitis
Information from the AAFP.
An article authored by Samuel Ong MD about acute bronchitis. Extensive details include the work up, treatment medications and follow up.
eMedicine Health - Bronchitis
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment.
eMedicine Health - Bronchoscopy
Consumer health resource center providing information on the risks and benefits of bronchosopy procedures.
Learn About Bronchitis
What is Bronchitis? How is it transmitted? What causes it? Learn about it here.
McKinley Health Center
Characteristics and symptoms of acute and chronic bronchitis, detection, and treatment.
McKinley Health Center: Bronchitis
Includes common characteristics, and the difference between acute and chronic types.
Medical Self-Care
Information about chronic and acute bronchitis in children.
Find information on bronchitis, its causes and symptoms.
FAQs about bronchitis, includes what it is, the symptoms, the causes and prevention.
Saluki Search
Detail information on acute and chronic bronchitis, its symptoms, causes, treatment, and preventions available.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Bronchitis
Describes in detail how TCM practitioners in China solve this with traditional Chinese strategies and herbs.
Your Health
An explanation of chronic and acute bronchitis, the symptoms and some helpful hints.