Amyloid Treatment and Research Center, Amyloidosis, Amyloidosis, Amyloidosis, Amyloidosis - Blood Vessel, Amyloidosis Support Network, Head and Neck Manifestations of Amyloidosis, Heart - Amyloidosis, Immunopathology - Amyloidosis, Indiana University Amyloid Research and Treatment
Cholesterol and Other Fats
Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis, Fabry's, Gaucher's, Hyperlipidemia, Niemann-Pick, Refsum's, Sitosterolemia, Tangier, Tay-Sachs, Wolman's
Glycogen Storage Disease Type I
eMedicine - Glycogen Storage Disease Type I : Arti, The Association For Glycogen Storage Disease, The Children's Fund for Glycogen Storage Dise, What is Glycogen Storage Disease?
Madelung's Disease
About Madelung's Disease, DOIA Launois-Bensaude's Lipomatosis, Lipoma Forum, Lipomatosi di Launois-Bensaude (MSL), Madelung's Disease: Benign Symmetric Lipomato, multiple symmetric lipomatosis from On-line Medica, NEJM -- Madelung's Disease: Inherited from an, NORD: Madelung's Disease, OMIM Entry 151800, Osteonecrosis in multiple symmetrical lipomatosis
Demographic and Health Surveys, Malnutrition, Malnutrition: Pediatrics-Medstudents, Most, the Usaid Micronutrient Program, Protein-Energy Malnutrition, Starvation
Support Groups, 'Fat Virus' to Blame for Obesity?, American Obesity Association (AOA), Association of Morbid Obesity Support, Barbara's Obesity Meds and Research News, Bariatrics and You, Be Wise Keep Healthy, Calculate your Body Mass Index, Childhood Obesity, Danas Hymn, Donald B. Brown Research Chair on Obesity
Children Living with Inherited Metabolic Diseases, Food and Nutrition Information Center, French Society for Vitamins and Biofactors, International Union of Nutritional Sciences, James William Lazzaro Foundation, Manuela Martinez Foundation for Children with Meta, Metabolic Dietary Disorders Association, National Information and Advice Centre for Metabol, NIDDK : Weight-Control Information Network, Syndrome X Association
Acute Intermittent Porphyria Forum, Canadian Porphyria Foundation, Diagnosing the Porphyrias, EPP, King George II and Porphyria, Me and AIP, Pediatric Oncall, Porphgroup, Porphyria, Porphyria
Vitamins and Minerals
Beriberi, Deficiency, Dependency and Toxicity, Menkes' Syndrome, Osteomalacia, Pellagra, Rickets, Scurvy, Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, Wilson's Disease, Xerophthalmia
Water Balance
Dehydration, Dehydration Basics, Dry Airplane Air Can Cause Dehydration., eMedicine Health - Dehydration in Adults, Facts on Hyponatremia, Fluid and Electrolyte Balance, Fluid Balance Test, Health Link MCW, How to Get Rid of that Bloated Feeling, The Watershed: Why Mineral Water is the Healthiest
A Pinch of Controversy Shakes Up Dietary Salt
An article over the use of salt, a scientific look, regulating the intake, the bodies need for salt and reducing the intake.
Action Guide for Healthy Eating
Quick and easy tips to improve you health on fats, fruits and vegetables and whole grains. A guide designed to make it easy to fit low-fat, high-fiber eating into busy schedules.
Binge Eating Disorder
Diagnosis and treatment of binge eating disorder.
Food Safety Information from NC State
Food Safety information and resources for consumers, educators, researchers and absolutely anyone that wants to know more about preventing foodborne illness. Foods are presented in categories for easy searching.
Glossary of Food-Related Terms
All food related terms, as well as diseases and disorders. Alphabet bar for easy searching.
Involuntary Weight Loss
An online information resource for sufferers of IWL, a serious health problem associated with a wide range of medical conditions, such as HIV, cancer, burns, non-healing wounds, COPD and trauma. From Savient Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease
Official publication of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, with case reports covering clinical, biochemical, experimental and epidemiological fields.
Discusses the controversy over corn syrup contributing to the increase in the number of overweight people.
Medical Foods
FDA/CFSAN Office of Special Nutritionals: Explaniation as to what these are, how the FDA over sees them and how to get more information.
News on refined sugar, corn syrup, sodium nitrite, hydrogenated oils and other disease-causing foods and ingredients. Includes articles, news and online resources.
Information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
Princess Margaret Nucleotide Metabolism Centre
Research into Purine disorders including gout, self-biting, Lesch-Nyhan Disease.
Specialty Diets, Inc. provides information, peer communication, specialty diets products, tools, and services to assist and support the management of medical diets such as Juvenile Diabetes and metabolic disorders.
Statement on Sodium Intake and High Blood Pressure
NIH News Release: An article about hypertension prevention and management and the intake of sodium.
Suf1 - Hyperinsulinism
A parent built site for parents with children with PHHI. Find personel stories and links.
Update on Nutraceuticals: dot Pharmacy
Also referred to as functional foods. A definition and look at spreading fats, yoghurts and probiotics, cereal and grains, drinks, legal issues and government views.