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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Lyme (alslyme)
An information-sharing resource for PALS (People with ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, who also have tested positive for Lyme disease and related infections, and for their caregivers, friends and health-care professionals.
Euro Lyme Support Group
The European site where patients and professionals can find friendly support and reliable information about Lyme and other Tick-borne Infections. This site replaced lymearduk.
Finger Lakes Lyme
Lyme disease discussion and announcements for Finger Lakes, New York and Sayre, Pennsylvania areas.
FL-Lyme Disease Network
An email group for Floridians and others interested in learning more about Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.
Lovey On Lyme
Discussion group for those who suffer from Lyme disease and coinfections.
Lovey On Lyme Caregiver Support
Forum for those who provide care for persons afflicted with Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases.
Lyme Aid
Victims come together to share their knowledge of Lyme disease and to support one another by posting messages or chat.
Lyme and Related Disorders UK (lymearduk)
Message board for discussion of Lyme disease in the United Kingdom.
Lyme Borreliosis and Related Infections Center of
This group is intended for scientific discussion about tick-borne infections and related topics, and for collection of knowledge, experience and scientific references on the subject.
Lyme Disease
BrainTalk Communities discussion group presented by the Department of Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Lyme Disease
Primary Yahoo Chat for Lyme disease. A place to relax, share views, keep people updated, share stories, get help, vent about anything going on in one's life, and to let things out.
Lyme Disease and Emerging Illness Forum
A forum for questions, concerns, or support related to Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. Weekly chats and newsletter sign up.
Lyme Disease Info Email List
Moderators provide Lyme disease news coverage, scientific items, upcoming events, and important action items. Other tick-borne infections also covered.
Lyme Documents
A list of the full documents of information, specific to Lyme disease, previously posted on the Lyme Aid group.
Lyme Family
A place to find help and support for dealing with Lyme disease in an informative and friendly atmosphere.
Lyme Information
Message board and archive of informative reports, journal entries and research relating to the disease and coinfections.
Lyme Teens
A list for young people suffering from Lyme disease.
LymeNet Flash
Participate in discussions about Lyme disease in specialized groups entitled Medical Questions, Seeking a Doctor, General Support, Activism, and others. Registration, FAQs and search from this site.
Maine Lyme Disease
An information and support group for the people of Maine who have Lyme disease.
Parents of Lyme Kids (PoLK)
Parents of children with Lyme disease come together to discuss challenges and situations, find support, and to seek advice from those who "have been there".
Robynn's Lyme List
Moderator provides approximately one or two messages of current or relevant Lyme disease information each day.
sci.med.diseases.lyme USENET newsgroup FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the USENET Lyme disease newsgroup.