Cystocele, Incontinence, Interstitial Cystitis, Neurogenic Bladder, Urostomies, Vesicoureteral Reflux, Bladder Disorders, Daily Bladder Diary, eMedicine Health - Cystoscopy, eMedicine Health - Foley Catheter, Health4Her - Atonic Bladder, Inability to Urinate, Your Body's Design for Bladder Control, Your Medicines and Bladder Control
Congenital Anomalies
Renal Agenesis, Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias in Sons of Gardener, Hypospadias, Pediatric Oncall, Potter's Syndrome Gateway
Associated Urologists, Chinese American Health Issues: Hematuria, Digital Urology Journal, eMedicine Health - Blood in the Urine, Pediatric Oncall, Radiology Info: Intravenous Pyelogram, The National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Informat, Urology Channel
Alport Syndrome, End Stage Disease, Glomerulonephritis, Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, IgA Nephropathy, Minimal Change Glomerulopathy, Nephrotic Syndrome, Polycystic Kidney, Stones, AllExperts Nephrology Q&A, Bryan's Kidney Page, Centre for Kidney Research, eMedicine Health, eMedicine Health - Intravenous Pyelogram, Genes Involved in Focal Segmental Glomeruloscleros, Glomerular diseases, Helpline for Kidney Diseases, Kidcomm, Kidney Advocacy
American Family Physician, Asymptomatic Proteinuria, Information from Your Family Doctor, NephrologyChannel, Proteinuria, Proteinuria Hub, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
Urethritis, Association for the Bladder Exstrophy Community (A, Digital Urology Journal, DrGreene: Double Urethra, Pediatric Urology Associates
Urinary Tract Infections
Abington Urological Specialists, BUPA, CBS HealthWatch by Medscape, Dr Reddy's Pediatric Office on the Web, eMedicine Health - Urinary Tract Infections, General Practice Notebook - Urinary tract infectio, Information from Your Family Doctor, Iowa Women's Health Center, Mayo Clinic: Urinary Tract Infections, - About Urological Disorders
American Foundation for Urologic Disease
Non-profit corporation for the prevention and cure of urologic disease, through the expansion of patient education, public awareness, research and advocacy. Includes prostate, kidney, impotence, bladder, infertility, and pediatric urology.
American Urological Association
Strives to promote the highest standards of urological clinical care through education, research and in the formulation of health care policy.
Laparoscopy and Urology.
Deals with almost every aspect, all under one roof. A section for surgeons and lay persons.
Medicine Net: Focus on Urological Disorders
Offers medical information, doctor produced, written for patients experiencing disorders such as urinary tract infections, and overactive bladder. Includes procedures, tests, and medications.
NIDDK Health Information: Urologic Diseases
Online information relating to urological disorders.
OHSU Health -- Urology
Overview, symptom and treatment information about urology health topics from Oregon Health and Sciences University.
Oregon Health & Science University - Urology
OHSU health topics including urogenital disorders, the anatomy of the urinary system, a glossary and resources.
Urinary Problems in Women
FAQs about voiding pain and difficulties, blood in urine, frequent urinary tract infections, nighttime urinary urgency and incontinence and the influence of fibroids and endometriosis on urinary function.
Provides urological information for urologists, general practitioners, and non-professionals. By Abbott Laboratories.
The American Urological Association's online patient information resource written and reviewed by urology experts.
Your Urinary System and How It Works
From NIDDK a look at how it works, the causes of problems, detection of problems, some of the disorders, where to go for help and further resources.