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Eating problems and feeding children, Fitness and Healthful Eating for Children, Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children, Nutrition--The Brainpower Advantage, Toddlers: When Yours Doesn't Want To Eat, Vegetarianism
Child Nutrition Home Page
School lunch, school breakfast, special milk, summer food and child/adult care are some of the topics discussed at this site.
Child Nutrition Program
Helps child care centers and homes serve nutritious meals and receive as much money as possible from the CACFP.
Childhood and Adolescent Obesity
Assessment, treatment, and prevention of childhood and adolescent obesity.
Children's Health - Nutrition
A series of articles on nutrition for children about healthy habits, food choices and special concerns.
Food for Tots
Information and facts about nutrution for toddlers and preschoolers. Find out about food allergy, food safety, nutrition, recipes, and cooking tips.
Healthy School Meals Resource System
Providing information to persons working in USDA's Child Nutrition Programs.
Providing information on the proper nutrition for kids. Find articles on the latest health news on nutrition and kids and subscribe to their news letter.
Living Without Milk
Providing milk and butterfat allergy and lactose intolerance information, non dairy cooking information, and access to the No Moo Cookbook.
Lunch Box World
Provides information about healthy school lunches, as well as how to choose, prepare and store suitable foods. Includes specific details for parents and teachers.
Nutrition and Recipes for Kids
Parent forum focused on discussing nutrition and recipes for children and other topics such as picky eaters, introducing foods to infants, and toddler nutrition.
Nutrition For Kids
Discover innovative and fun nutrition resources aimed at educators, parents and those who care about children's health.
Primary Care Pediatrics - Food allergy
Search for the most recent journal editorials, review articles, consensus or policy statements, updates, guidelines, protocols, meta-analysis and evidence-based-medicine evaluations.
Vegetarian Baby and Toddler E-News
A resource for vegetarian children under the age of three. This e-mail news comes out approximately once a month and lists special offers, updates to the website, recipes, resources for parents and articles of interest.