Babies are Conscious
Article by David Chamberlain, PhD describing research showing that babies are conscious before and during birth.
Care of the Premature Infant
Monitoring growth and development in the premature infant: An article from the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Growth Percentile Calculator
Measure your baby's length, weight, and head circumference, enter the figures, and calculate an estimate of where your baby stands compared to other children his age.
How Children Learn
Provides information and advice aimed at improving the future performance of children, starting before birth.
Keep Kids Healthy: Developmental Delay
Discusses milestones, the causes of motor, language, social and global delays in development, and proposed course of action.
Ladies Home Journal: Stages of Child Development
Information on cognitive and developmental milestones at each stage from birth to 4 years old.
Newborns: Growth and Development
Links to reviewed articles focusing on infant growth and development.
Speech and Language Development
Ages and stages. What to expect as your child's communication skills develop and when to seek help. Authored by a certified Speech Pathologist.
Speech Development in the Infant and Toddler
Article outlining milestones and important aspects of speech development.
The Brazelton Institute
Focuses on the health and development of the newborn infant. Read about the Brazelton Scale, a comprehensive newborn behavioral assessment tool and view the organization's newsletter.
Toddlers: Growth and Development
Reviewed articles on growth and development issues in toddlers.