Ask the Doctor: The Respiratory Disorders Forum
Interactive medical question and answer format covering most common respiratory / breathing conditions. Patient question is replied to by online doctors from National Jewish Medical Center.
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
Dedicated to controlling and curing asthma and allergy symptoms; southern California chapter.
Asthma Health Factsheet
Concise information on causes, symptoms and types of treatment.
Biennial International Congress on Lung Diseases i
Gives the program for this meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, posts a call for abstracts, and explains how to register.
Learn about bronchiolitis and how it differs from pneumonia. The article also covers diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
NewsRx Report Series on Respiratory Medicine Resea
Series of monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports.
Respiratory Distress Syndrome of the Newborn
Provides description of the disorder, treatment, and outcomes. Written by health professionals for parents.
Smoking Mom; A Possible Cause of Asthma in Childre
Recent research indicates secondhand smoke not only worsens asthma symptoms, it causes asthma by constricting airway muscles and increasing mucous production.
Starbright's Asthma
You can order a game to help kids ages 7 to 15 learn how to manage their asthma.
The RSV Prevention Information Center
Information about RSV disease for parents of premature infants.