Anesthetic Cream Cuts Circumcision Pain, Articles on Circumcision, Botched circumcision leads to $360,000 in damages;, Boys and Their Hoods, Children Have Feelings Too, Circumcision - Genital Mutilation American Style, Circumcision In America, Circumcision: It's Not Necessary, CIRP: Circumcision Reference Library, Complications Of Circumcision - CIRP
Care of Intact Boys
Care of the Intact Penis, Care of the Uncircumcised Penis, Conservative Treatments -- Norm-UK, Fathering Magazine - Care of Boys With Tight Fores, Fathering Magazine - Care of Intact Boys, Mothers of intact sons, Newborns: Care Of The Uncircumcised Penis, Normal Development of the Prepuce: Birth Through , Pediatric Oncall- Penile Hygiene, Raising Intact Sons
A caution to parents about Premature Retraction, A Gallery of Famous Intact Men, Child Circumcision for Medical Reasons?, Circumcision and Penile Cancer, Circumcision and Urinary Tract Infection, Circumcision Fact Sheet, Circumcision Information Page, Circumcision Publications, Organizations & Sup, Fathering Magazine - Circumcision Issues, In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child
Female Circumcision
A Centuries-Old Practice, A Deadly Tradition, Articles about Female Circumcision, Common Denominators Between Male and Female Circum, Epidemiology Of Female Sexual Castration In Cairo,, Erroneous Belief Systems Underlying Female Genit, Female Circumcision Comes to America, Female Circumcision Issues Page, Female Circumcision: Indications and a New Techniq, Female Genital Mutilation, Female Genital Mutilation - A Human Rights Informa
Genital Integrity Awareness Week April 1 - April 7, Intactivism, Yuki's Intactivism Resources
Legal Issues
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, BoysToo, Child Circumcision: Legal Issues, Circumcision: Doctors liable for criminal assault, Circumcision: Legal Issues, Circumvent Circumcision, Federal Genital Integrity Act of 2000, How to Bring Criminal Charges Against Your Circumc, Intact's Class-Action Circumcision Lawsuit, Noharmm Litigation Program
Medical Views
AAP Statement 1999, American Urological Association: Circumcision, An Epidemic of Circumcision, Ask Dr Sears: Circumcision, British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, EMLA Cream and Circumcision, Health Central: Circumcision, Infants Feel and Remember Circumcision Pain, Informed Consent for Medically Necessary Circumcis, Lysozyme, the Foreskin and HIV Protection, Pediatric Oncall: Circumcision
$80,000 settlement to circumcised boy, 'Mutilated' Man Sues for £3m, A delicate tissue, Anti-Circumcision Activists Zap Medical Associatio, Anti-Circumcision Group Supports Medical Report, Baby's Pain Sensitizes it to Future Trauma, Back to Foreskins, Boosted by doctors and changing mores, advocates b, Boys will be Boys: nature vs nurture, Children kidnapped and mutilated: Investigation in
National Organization of Circumcision Information , AME - Association contre la Mutilation des Enfants, ARC - Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, CRC - Circumcision Resource Center, DOC - Doctors Opposing Circumcision, ICGI - International Coalition for Genital Integri, Info-Circumcision - The Circumcision Information R, MAC - Mothers Against Circumcision, MUSIC - Musicians United to Stop Infant Circumcisi, NOHARMM, NORM-UK
Penile Anatomy
17 Functions of the Foreskin, Anatomical parts lost in male circumcision, Anatomy and Functions of the Male Foreskin, Anatomy of the Penis and Mechanics of Intercourse, CIRP: Normal Development of the Prepuce, Foreskin, Functions of the Foreskin, Male Sexual Anatomy - The Foreskin, Male Sexual Anatomy - The Foreskin, Not "just a flap of skin"
Perspectives and Opinions
Circumcision Advocates, "US Also Practices Genital Mutilation", A Baby is Born, AlternaMoms, Circumcised at 13, Circumcision Issues, Circumcision: The Step to Becoming a Real Man, - Circumcision, Ending Circumcision - Where Sex and Violence First, Epinions - One More Mother Opposed To Infant Circu, Female Sexuality
Publications and Videos
Awakenings: A Preliminary Poll of Circumcised Men, Book and Video Reviews, Circumcision, National Organization of Circumcision Resource Cen, National Organization of Restoring Men - Book &, National Organization of Restoring Men - Book &, Sex as Nature Intended It
Religious Views
A Mother Questions Brit Milla, Being Rational About Circumcision and Jewish Obser, Circumcision - The Worldwide News, Circumcision and Christianity, Circumcision and the Christian Parent, Circumcision Choices for Jewish Parents, Circumcision for Religious Reasons, Circumcision: A Jewish Feminist Perspective, Circumcision: A Source of Jewish Pain, Cultural and Religious Documents on Circumcision
Find out what circumcision involves, what the health benefits and risks are, and other things to consider when you're deciding whether to have it done.
Extensive alphabetical listing of circumcision related web pages. List contains title and source.
Circumcision Information for Parents
Links to basic information for parents about circumcision, care of both the intact and circumcised penis, protection from wrongful circumcision and legal recourses.
CIRP: Circumcision Information and Resource Pages
Contains medical, legal, historical, ethical, religious and human rights references. Resources for parents and educators including anatomy, circumcision methods, and foreskin restortion.