Alternative Medicine
Aromatherapy, Chats and Forums, Chiropractic, Dogs, Equine, Essences, Exotics, Herbs, Homeopathy, Light Therapy
Avian Health, Avian Health Network Inc, Avian Nutrition, Bird Health, Bird Health Examination, Diseases of Exotic Animals and Wildlife, Diseases of Psittacine Birds, Heavy Metal Poisoning in Birds, HotSpot For Birds, ParrotParrot
Conditions and Diseases
Avian, Cancer, Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes Insipidus, Infectious Diseases, Livestock, Pancreatic Disorders, Poisoning, Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy, American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Animal Eye Doctor...The Internet's Veterinary, Deafness in Dogs and Cats, Details About Myasthenia Gravis Autoimmune Muscle , Pets with Cushing's Message Board, SouthPaws Veterinary Referral Center, The Comparative Neuromuscular Laboratory
Drugs and Medications
Advantage Flea Control, American Veterinary Identification Devices, Animal Pharmacy Center, Antirobe, Carprofen, CIDR Intravaginal Inserts, Draminski k9 Ovulation Detector, Excenel Sterile Suspension, Hylartin V, Lincomix Antibiotic Products
A Man Named Rock, Animal Health Publications, Animal Science Program at SWFREC, Canadian Animal Health Coalition, Diseases Acquired From Sheep and Goats, Farm Doc, Fundamentals of Livestock Entomology, IACUC Learning Module - Blood Values mg/100 mi, IACUC Learning Module - Physiological Data, Indiana Board of Animal Health
Emergency Services, Nutrition, Publications, AAHA Healthypet, Alaska Science Forum: Cats, Dogs and Other Pets, Allexperts Veterinarian Q&A, American Red Cross Disaster Services, Animal Allergy and Dermatology Services of Connect, Animal Doc Com, Animal Health Facts, Are we overvaccinating our pets ?, AVMA Care for Pets, Drs. Foster and Smith PetEducation
Veterinary Medicine
Continuing Education, Diagnostic Laboratories, Licensing Agencies, Organizations, Publications, Schools, Veterinarians, Animal Science, AONA Veterinary Cases, Case Studies in Small Animal Cardiovascular Medici, Center for Animal Health and Productivity, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Consultant, David Levine, E-Vet, FARAD - Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank, For Vets Only
Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre, Center for Bison and Wildlife Health, Dutch Society for Wildlife Health, National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC), Office of Fish and Wildlife Health and Forensics, Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (S
American Veterinary Medical Law Association.
National association of attorneys, veterinarians, and other individuals and organizations with an interest in veterinary medical law and how it pertains to the veterinary profession and allied fields.
Animal Health Centre Newsletters
Informative articles about interesting cases, diagnostic tests, field disease investigation, and general happenings in the laboratory from the "Diagnostic Diary", a quarterly publication from the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Animal Health, Emerging Animal Disease (AHEAD)
Federation of American Scientists' project for proactive surveillance of zoonoses and other animal diseases. Includes information on rabies, West Nile fever, ehrlichiosis, equine encephalitis, anthrax, Pfiesteria, "mad cow" disease, deformed frogs, and diseases of both wildlife and farm animals.
Bayer Animal Health - International Animal Health
Provides information about companion and farm animals. Organized in four sections, gives advice on how to prevent and to treat diseases.
CSIRO Animal Health
Australia's national research organization for animal health, developing the country's capability to quickly diagnose exotic (foreign) and emerging animal diseases.
Exotic Pet Vet.Net
Committed to providing current information for owners, breeders, and veterinarians, written by a Board Certified Avian Specialist veterinarian and exotic animal consultant.
Lazaron BioTechnologies:
Genetic Engineering for Animal Health. Cloning your pet? Clones of dogs, cats, horses, etcetera will likely be here within 5-10 years.
National Biosecurity Resource Center
A United States data resource to enable preparation for animal health emergencies.
NOVA Online - Animal Hospital
Website for a television program. Includes information and links about animal behavior, working with problem pets, and related animal health topics.
Information on how to subscribe to this email discussion group - for veterinarians and others interested in veterinary topics. Online archives, for members only.
Resources for owners and veterinarians; includes articles on pet health, whole foods diets, electron microscopy, anti-roaming dog downloads, and links to other sites of veterinary interest.