Eastern Healing Arts, Elizabeth Nolan, M.D., Esoteric Healing with Bernadette Bloom, Esoteric Soul Healing
AKS Massage School
Offers continuing education courses in esoteric healing. Dr. Tom Shaver, instructor. Located in Herndon, Virginia.
Center for Human Integration
Offers courses in esoteric healing. Located at the Medical Mission Sisters North American Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Esoteric Healing
U.S. branch of the INEH offers courses and information on the science of healing via a person's energy field.
Esoteric Healing
Online version of the book by Alice Bailey and Djwhal Khul.
Esoteric Healing and the Revelation of Planetary a
Articles and course information on esoteric healing as taught by Alan N. Hopking. Maintained by Godshaer Publishing Co.
International Network of Esoteric Healing (INEH)
Registered charity promotes the study and practice of esoteric healing, using etheric energies and the chakras to release the free flow of soul energy which can lead to wholeness and healing. Based on work by Rex Riant and principles about health and healing as transmitted by Djwhal Khul through the books of Alice A. Bailey. Courses available in the United Kingdom.
Isle of Avalon Foundation (IOAF)
Certificate course in esoteric soul healing with Kathy Jones in Glastonbury, Somerset, UK. Based upon the teachings of Alice A. Bailey.
The Chakras and Radiatory Healing
Article by Zachary F. Lansdowne, Theosophist and author of several books about healing.