Acupuncture in Medicine
Published by the British Medical Acupuncture Society, an association of medical practitioners interested in acupuncture. Cheshire, United Kingdom.
American Botanical Council Publications
Based in Austin, Texas.
Calm Spirit Magazine Online
Articles and FAQs on Tibetan and Chinese medicine. Maintained by Steven C. Hollifield, Jupiter, Florida.
Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and West
English language edition can be ordered from Relaxing Natural Health, Watertown, Massachusetts.
European Journal of Oriental Medicine (EJOM)
Published by the British Acupuncture Council. Articles reflect current issues of clinical practice and include the wider contextual frameworks provided by education, philosophy, politics and medical anthropology. Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom.
Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies
Aims to present the evidence on complementary medicine in an analytical and impartial manner. Published by the Department of Complementary Medicine, University of Exeter, United Kingdom.
From Tao to Earth
Books and educational materials about acupuncture and alternative health care business practices. Focus Practice Management Publications, Inc., Boulder, Colorado.
International Chinese Medical Journal of Daytona
Articles for practitioners and the general public about Chinese medical therapeutics. Discussion forum. Cory Trusty, publisher.
Kampo Today
English-language periodical devoted to Japan's traditional herbal medicine. Published by Tsumura Co. in New York, New York.
Paradigm Publications
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine books. Distributed by Redwing Book Company, Brookline, Massachusetts.
Plum Flower Press
Specializes in Chinese internal styles. Ba gua zhang (pa kua chang), xing yi quan, tai ji quan, internal strength development, taoism, acupuncture, tui na, meridian theory. Arcata, California.
Qi - The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health &am
All aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture, qigong, herbs, taijiquan. Free online practitioner listings. Calendar of events. Product catalog.
Redwing Book Company
Distributes books, audios, videos and CD-ROM titles on health, wellbeing and complementary medicine. Online catalog. Brookline, Massachusetts.
Sciences of Traditional Chinese Medicine
International journal discusses acupuncture and moxibustion. Edited by Dr. Kexin Bao. Multilingual site based in Alhambra, California.
The Journal of Chinese Medicine
English language journal dedicated to professional and student level information on the entire field of Chinese medicine. Hove, United Kingdom.
The Lantern
Journal for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners. Carlton, Australia.
World Health Organization Publications: Traditiona
Catalog includes monographs on research and East Asian medicinals.
World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion
Publication of World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS).