5 Element Acupuncture, Acufinder, Acupuncture Facts, Acupuncture for Addiction Treatment, Acuxo, Advanced Homeostatic Body Energies Fitting (ABEFIT, AHealthyMe: Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine Therapies: Acupuncture, American Acupuncture, AuKoShiMo Professional Training Program
Professional Associations, Schools, Shiatsu, 21st Century Medicine, Acupressure - A Science of Life, Acupressure Introduction, Acupressure Introduction and Acupoints, Acupressure Techniques for Use During Labour, Amatsu, Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Asian Villa Traditional Thai Massage in Eurodisney, Authentic Chinese massage and Acupuncture in Denve, Body Mind Connection And Nutrition
Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, Oceania, South America, Jin Shin Healing, Sujok Acupuncture and Acupressure
Professional Organizations
Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Orien, Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine National Coali, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Association of M, Acupuncture Association of Colorado, Acupuncture Association of Washington, American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, American Association of Oriental Medicine, American Chinese Medicine Association (ACMA), Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Associ
Acupuncture in Medicine, American Botanical Council Publications, Calm Spirit Magazine Online, Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and West, European Journal of Oriental Medicine (EJOM), Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies, From Tao to Earth, International Chinese Medical Journal of Daytona, Kampo Today, Paradigm Publications
Associations, Chats and Forums, Instruction, Publications, Yan Xin Qigong, Acupuncture, Qigong, and "Chinese Medicine&qu, Alchemical, Alternative and Complimentary Medicine: A Focus on, Beiji Taoism, Tai Chi and Qigong, China Universe Qigong, Complementary and Alternative Healing University, Dan Tao, The Way of Transformation, Erle Montaigue's Tai Chi World, Ki Manual, MindGazer Qigong Files
Academy for Five Element Acupuncture, Academy for Five Element Acupuncture, Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, Academy of Oriental Medicine at Austin, Acupuncture Massage College, Acupuncture Research Group,, American College of Acupuncture, American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medic, American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
A World of Acupuncture
Information on acupuncture, traditional Chinese diagnosis, selecting a practitioner, acupressure, qigong and tai chi. Maintained by Essential Elements in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Chi/Ki/Qi Applications
Articles on acupressure, acupuncture, external qi healing, qigong, Chinese massage, shiatsu.
Medical acupuncture and alternative healthcare information database maintained by the Medical Acupuncture Research Foundation.
Acupuncture referral service to connect patients with practitioners. Includes news articles.
Acupressure in First Aid
FAQs on using acupuncture/acupressure for first aid. Points described.
Acupuncture and Acupressure Internet Resources
Links to Internet sites.
Acupuncture Links
Extensive list of resources maintained by Vilberto C. Oliveira, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Rich in resources on Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, qigong, tuina, dietetics, diagnosis and theory, clinical point selections, acupuncturist referrals, news, college courses.
News, articles, links, online discussion forums. Huntington Beach, California.
AHealthyMe: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Describes TCM, how it works, and how to find a practitioner.
All That Korean Medicine (ATKM)
Korean Medicine newsletter and essays. Maintained by the English club at Kyunghee University Korean Medical School.
Alternative Therapies Gain New Respect in Cancer T article by Elizabeth Cohen.
Exploring acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, transpersonal psychology, shamanisn, taoism, feng shui, Buddhism. Maintained by Michael Finn, Brisbane, Australia.
History of Chinese medicine site hosted by Albion College, Michigan. Lists scholars, libraries, online resources, bibliographies.
Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in Canada
FAQs, articles, forum, chat room, list of practitioners in Canada.
Chinese Medicine and Assisted Reproductive Technol
Article by Roger C. Hirsh.
Chinese Medicine Articles
Articles and links about Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Multilingual site maintained by Shmuel Halevi, practitioner in Western Galilee, Israel.
Doc Misha's Chicken Soup Chinese Medicine
Tips for choosing a practitioner, FAQs. Maintained by Misha Ruth Cohen. Clinic in San Francisco, California.
Five Element Acupuncture
Five elements, meridians, acupuncture points, resource links. Maintained by Gye Bennets, Sydney, Australia. Chinese Medicine
Resource for Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Health Info: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Articles for practitioners and students. Reference database.
Professional and consumer information on Chinese and alternative medicine. Multilingual site. Acupuncture
Introduction to acupuncture and Oriental medicine.
International Podiatric Acupuncture Fellowship (IP
A national organisation set up to maintain a register of UK State Registered Podiatrists who use acupuncture to treat lower limb pathology.
Korea Infogate Alternative Medicine
Articles about acupuncture and Oriental medicinal herbs.
Live Journal - Traditional Chinese Medicine
Forum to discuss and share information on Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Psychospiritual Aspects of Traditional Chinese Med
Article by Francesca Diebschlag.
Shen-nong Limited
Provides articles describing Chinese medicine (TCM). Multilingual site.
Resources for students, practitioners and patients. Educational material, chat rooms, discussion boards. Maintained by John R. Wahnish.
Acupuncture and Oriental medicine information for students and practitioners. Point tables, school listing, state laws, study tools, forums and suppliers.
The Chinese Medicine Sampler
Public education site about Traditional Chinese Medicine. Maintained by the Lau Clinic.
The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor
Huangdi Neijing translated by Zhu Ming.
The Pulse of Oriental Medicine
Articles on oriental medicine (acupuncture and Chinese herbs).
Traditional Chinese Medicine
General introduction. Multilingual portal site.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Information Page
Basic concepts and fundamentals of traditional Chinese medicine, including herbal therapy, acupuncture, qigong and TCM approaches to common diseases.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Net
Resources and information on Chinese medicine. Multilingual site.
Trigram Software
Databases offer acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, case studies, and exam-like questions. Practice management tools available. Oakland, California.
Links include resources on acupuncture, herbs, alternative health.
Yin Yang House
Oriental medicine information for students and practitioners of Japanese and Chinese acupuncture, auricular therapies, and Zen Shiatsu.