Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture, Bodywork, Practitioners, Professional Organizations, Publications, Qigong, Schools, A World of Acupuncture, Chi/Ki/Qi Applications,,, Acupressure in First Aid, Acupuncture and Acupressure Internet Resources, Acupuncture Links,, Acupuncturestart4all,
Acutouch - The Basics, Genesen Acutouch, Jin Shin Acutouch - Energetic Bodywork Through Sti, Principles of Acutouch
Alexander Technique
Dance Awareness, Teachers, Aardvark Alexander Technique Web Site, Absolute Beginner's Guide to the Alexander Te, Adventures in Fitness Self Discovery with the Alex, Advice for Students of the Alexander Technique, Alexander Self-Help, Alexander Technique, Alexander Technique, Alexander Technique, Alexander Technique - A Conversation with Nigel Ho, Alexander Technique - An overview
Active Manuka Honey, Apis Rossi, Apitherapy (Bee Products), Apitherapy Reference Data Base, Apitherapy Works, Apitronics Services, Bee Venom Therapy Journal, Bee-Rich - Bee Pollen and Bee Propolis Products, BeeHoo Apitherapy, Beelief Apitherapy
Clinics, Schools, Ashtavaidyan.E.T.Ravi Mooss, Ayoma, Ayurmag, Ayurveda, Ayurveda Cures, Ayurveda For You, Ayurvedic Foundations, Ayurvedic Neurotherapy, Ayurvedwebline, Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic and Research Center
Services, on Biofeedback, Articles on Biofeedback, Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofe, Attention, Kids: Play This Game, Biofeedback, Biofeedback Calendar of Events, Biofeedback Foundation of Europe, Biofeedback Society of Illinois, Biofeedback/Neurofeedback eGroup, Biofeedback: The Process
Buteyko, Holotropic Breathwork, Rebirthing, Authentic Breathing Resources, Breath Mastery, Breathconnection, Breathe Magazine for Rebirthing and Breathwork, Breathing Coordination, Breathwork - Australia, Breathwork Discussion Group, Earth Healing, Eastern Natural Breathing, Intellect Breathing
Kinesiology, Offices and Professionals, Organizations and Associations, Professional Resources, Professional Training, Publications, All About Chiropractic Treatments, By Spine-Health, Allexperts Chiropractor Q&A, Back Talk Systems,, Chiropractic and Posture, Chiropractic Information Center, Chiropractic Internet Resources, Chiropractic Links @ Chiro.Org, Chiropractic Questions and Answers, ChiroWatch
Australia, Canada, Information and Referral, Professional Resources, Spiritual Based, United States, Coached to Success, EF, ERE Professional Coaching, Heart and Soul Works, Learning Journeys, Life Coach Master, Life Coach Services at Docspond, Life Expeditions - Life and Career Coaching, Life Purpose Institute, Life Success Productions
Color Therapies
Aura-Soma, Alternative Color Therapy, Aura and Color Therapy, Aura Light, Awakening Images, Brooker Colour Therapy, chakra colour therapy, Color and Light Therapy, Color Energy Education Systems, Color Healing and Harmony, Color the Secret Influence
Associations and Institutes, Alternative Healing, Angelite Om, Ann's Articles, Astro Clinic,, Crystal Energy, Crystal Healing, Crystal Magick, Crystal Power, Crystal Stargazer
Ear Candling
Coning, A Centuries-old Home Remedy, Ear Candling, Ear Candling/Ear Coning, Ears Alive, History of Ear Candling, Hopi and Essential Oil Earcandles, International Earcandle : Since 1995, Lynne Hancher - A Look at Hopi Ear Candles, Skeptic's Dictionary - Ear Candling, The Coning/Candling Company
Energy Healing
Esoteric, Practitioners, Pranic Healing, Rife, Sound, Therapeutic Touch, 123EFT, Chakra Balancing - Healing Chakras, Academy of Sound, Color and Movement, Ai-Churek, Alchemy of the Spirit, All Energy-Therapies Web, Aloha Inspirations, Association for Meridian and Energy Therapies, Barbara Brennan School of Healing, Bio-Etheric Healing: How It Works
Alicia Sirkin, Angelic Essences, Australian Bush Flower Essences, Australian Gem Essences, Bach Centre, Bergakungens Gem and Mineral Salves, British Association of Flower Essence Producers, British Flower and Vibrational Essences Associati, Charminghealth, Creating Balance
Fasting and Cleansing
Clinics and Practices, Enemas, Retreats and Vacations, Arnold Ehret Health Club, Colon Health, Colonic International Association, Deep Down Wellness, Detoxification, Detoxification Therapies, Dr. Richard Anderson, Fasting, Freedomyou, Health and Beyond Online
Folk Medicine
A Brief Note Regarding Campa Medical Practices, Alternative Cancer Treatment, American Indian Traditional Medicine in Treating C, Ancient Aztec Herbal Remedies, Ascending Enterprises - Old Fashioned Remedies, Cultural Diversity, Alternative Medicine, & Fo, Culturally Diverse Childrearing Practices: Abusiv, Curanderismo: Folk Healing in the Southwest, Customary Uses of Ironweed by the Yuchi, Folk Belief and Folk Medicine
Chinese Herbal Medicine, Constituents, Materia Medica, Practitioners, Publications, Schools, Agnus Castus to Yucca schidigera, Allexperts Herbs,'s Guide to Chinese and Other H, Alternative Beauty, Alternative Nature Enterprises, BC Herb Growers Association, Botanical Dermatology Database,, Bouquet Garni Herbs and Herbalism, Cowhage (Poonaikalli)
Holistic and Integrated Medicine
Alternative Cancer Treatment, Courses and Schools, Anita's Garden, Better Body Brighter Mind, Biological Terrain, Calming Touch, Center University, Alternative Medicine And Health, Charisma, Chinese Medicinal Food Therapy, Craig Winters - Holistic Health Resources, Dr. Ursula Anderson - Beyond the Genome, Easy Growing
FAQs, Help, and Tutorials, Practitioners and Clinics, Professional Organizations, Publications, Schools, A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, A Homoeopathic Informatics Cyber Center, ABC Homeopathy, Ask, Boenninghausen Shareware Repertory, Classical Homeopathy, Dr Andrew Lockie - Homeopathic Services, Dr. Ramakrishnan, Dr.K.NELSON, Hahnemann Centre for Heilkunst
Aina Me Kalani, AlohaLifeForce, An Introduction to Huna, An Introduction To Huna, Field of Dreams, Hale Ola Hawaiian Healing Center, Hawaiian Huna and Huna Reiki, Hawaiian Huna and Shaman Trainings, Hawaiian Huna Massage (Kahuna Bodywork): The Wisdo, Hawaiian Huna Village
Alchemical, Practitioners, Professional Associations, Training, A Hypnosis World of Trance-formation, A Simple Self Hypnosis Technique, Acusound Holistic Therapies, All about Hypno Therapy, Anti Stress Center, Biocentrix Self Hypnosis, Boston Hypnosis, Choice Insights, Counselors Associated, Inc., Deep Relaxation Induction
About Iridology, Bernard Jensen Int., Canadian Institute of Iridology Courses, Canadian Neuro-Optic Research Institute, Choices for Health and Harmony, Eyeronec Digital IrisScope Photography, Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists, Healthline Diagnostics, Hellenic Medical Association Of Iridology, International Iridology Practitioners Association.
Magnetic Therapy
Publications, Advanced Magnetic Research Institute, AMRI of North Carolina, Bio Electro Magnetic Therapy, Biomagnetic Therapy, Biomagnetic Therapy Association, Body Vibes, Boulder Vibe Center, Healing with Magnets, Mag Doc, Magnet Therapy
Massage Therapy and Bodywork
Aquatic Bodywork, Associations, Bowen Therapy, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Feldenkrais, Geriatric Massage, Hellerwork, Infant Massage, Medical Massage, Myotherapy
Heart-Based, Individualized Instruction, Mindfulness, Moving or Dance, Research, Retreats, 'Silent Moments' with Morten,, Arena, Leonardo - Transpersonal Page, AwakenKey's Meditation, BBC News: Meditation, Bonny Foundation, British Meditation Society, Desk top Meditation, Discovery Health: Meditation, Exalted Living
Organizations, Practitioners and Clinics, Schools, A Complete Handbook of Nature Cure, A Position Paper: Naturopathy, Australian Naturopathic Network, Champlain Center for Natural Medicine., FindND, HealthWorld Online Naturopathic Medicine Center, History of True Naturopathy, Live Right 4 Your Type, Natural Healthcare Nutritional Guidance, Naturodoc
Non-Toxic Living
Mercury and Amalgams, A Health Cafe, Au Naturelle, Avoid Pesticide Poisoning, B Toxic Free, Baking Soda Book, Better Basics for Non-Toxic Living, Bio-D Company, Ltd., Body Earth Self, Body Health, Inc., Certified Organics
Opposing Views
ABC of Complementary Medicine - What is Alternativ, Action for Victims of Chiropractic, Alternative Medicine, Alternative Medicine - The Multi-billion Fraud, Alternative Medicine and Quackery, Anti-Quackery Resources, ChiroLinks, ChiroWatch, CINAM, Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Ozone Therapy
Applied Ozone Systems, Ed McCabe's, 'Mr Oxygen', site, Healing Center - Las Vegas, Lifestyles Therapeutics - Canada, Oxygen Healing Therapies,, OxyTech Research, Ozone Association, Ozone Forum, Ozone Stimulation
Human Hand - PalmTherapy, Palm Theraphy - The Basics, Palm Therapy, Penny Weaver - Certified Palmtherapist, The Early Show - Change Your Mood by Massaging You
Wellness Centers, AltMed Web, Body Mind Spirit Directory, CAM Health Partners, Colorado Alternative Medicine, Directory of Practitioners of the Healing Arts, Healers of the World, Heartland Healing Center, Med-Web of the Hudson Valley,, SpiriHealth
Articles, Associations, Charts, Reflexologists, Reflexology Books, Research, Schools, About Reflexology, An Introduction to Reflexology, Egyptian Reflexology, Healing Feats Reflexology Information, Metamorphosis,, Reflexology ; Personal Health Zone, Reflexology World, Reflexology: Healing through Pressure Therapy, The Reflexology Video ... Learning The Natural Hea
Chats and Forums, Practitioners and Teachers, A Journey Into Healing, Reiki Hand Placements, Alef Reiki, Alt.Healing.Reiki Website, American Board of Reiki, Bill's Reiki Page, Essential Reiki, Floridians For Reiki And Fairness, Holistic Online: Reiki, International Association of Reiki Professionals (
Directories, Education, Magazines and E-zines, News, A Consumer's Guide to Structural Therapy, Holistic Healing, Absolute Healthcare Ltd,, Alternative and Innovative Therapies for Children , Alternative Health Resources, Alternative Medicine Foundation, Alternative Medicine: Why So Popular?, Alternative Natural Health,
Tibetan Medicine
Practitioners, Boston School of Boabom, Calm Spirit Magazine Online, Dr. Garma, Dutch Foundation for Tibetan Medicine, Healing Buddha Foundation (Segyu Gaden Dhargye Lin, Introduction to Tibetan Medicine, Jürgen Aschoff's Tibet Bookmania, Kohala Natural Healing Arts, Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga, Land of Medicine Buddha
Astrology Tomorrow Today - Trepanation, Medical and Alternative Trepanation, Neolithic Surgery, Salon - The Hole Story, Skeptic's Dictionary - Trepanation, The Hole to Luck, The International Trepanation Advocacy Group, The People With Holes In Their Heads, Therapeutic Benefits of Trepanation, Trepanation Diary
Urine Therapy
Biomedx, HPS Online, Just a glass a day keeps the doctor away, Nothing Unscientific About Urine Therapy, Omaha's Heartland Healing Center, Shirley's Wellness Cafe, Skeptic's Dictionary: Urine Therapy