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Game Nation
Reviewed by Kristopher Abel, [91%]. "If you're a real-time strategy fan you have to experience it."
Gamers Hell
Reviewed by Mike 'Supreme' Boughton, [8.6/10]. "Warlords: Battlecry II is easily a MUST have for any RTS fan."
Reviewed by Sam Parker, [8.2/10]. "Warlords Battlecry II doesn't take a big leap forward."
Reviewed by Michael Lafferty, [8.2/10]. "This game is very enjoyable, and it has a great look."
Reviewed by Dan Adams, [8.5/10]. "Definitely had enough to draw me through my jaded curtain and get me playing and interested again"
Strategy Gaming Online
Reviewed by Anthony Micari, [9/10]. "A great campaign structure, a wealth of units and spells, and impressive detail in every regard."
The Adrenaline Vault
Reviewed by Gavin Carter, [3.5/5]. "A competent challenger for your gaming time in the overcrowded real-time strategy genre."
The Armchair Empire
Reviewed by Mark Leung, [8.9/10]. "With the amount of options and spit and polish that has gone into WBC2, strategy fans should find a lot to like about this game."
The Gamers Temple
Review, [86%]. "There is a lot of gameplay here, and strategy game enthusiasts should certainly have a close look at Warlords Battlecry II."
Warlords Battlecry II (PC)
Reviewed by William Abner, [85/100]. " This sequel is a must have for fans of the original."