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Computer Games Online
Preview by Tim Royal. "With the rich and detailed legacy of the Warhammer series to tap for plot development, and an impressive 3D engine with almost no viewing limits, this title's release just might be a Dark Omen, indeed. For competing products, that is."
Computer Games Online
Rated 3.5/5 by Benjamin E. Sones. "The improvements that have been made add substantially to the game's appeal, but are they enough to appease the critics of Shadow of the Horned Rat? Perhaps."
Preview by Moira Muldoon. "Barring any late disasters or unimaginable screwups, EA's Dark Omen should fulfill its promise - adding one more real-time strategy title to the contenders list."
Review by Greg Kasavin, [8.3/10]. "Turn-based strategy fans, or traditional tabletop Warhammer enthusiasts, will find Dark Omen's punishing real-time combat far too frantic."