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All Game Guide
Reviewed by Jonathan Sutyak, rated good. "Civilization II: Test of Time turns out to be the same game as the gold edition with some minor changes."
ESC Magazine
Reviewed by Andy Grieser, scoring 7/10. "The final result, unfortunately, is a mishmash that makes Civ fans want to pop in the game that started it all."
Reviewed by Patrick Andrews. "Civilization has been extended."
Gameguru Mania
Reviewed by "cube", scoring 2/5.
Reviewed by "Rebellion", rating 79%.
Reviewed by Mark Asher, fun factor scoring 3,0. "If you don't have Civ and have always wanted to give it a whirl, this is not a bad choice..."
Reviewed by Stephen Butts, overall score 7,8. "Test of Time brings a few new things to the game but is really little more than a novel add-on."
PC Gameworld
Reviewed by John Misak, verdict 75%. "An above average strategy game from Sid Meier."
Strategy Gaming Online
Reviewed by Anthony Sage, overall rating 5. "Civ: ToT is really just an add-on sold as a full game."