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CD Mag
Reviewed by Steve Bauman, score 5/5. "This is as good as gaming gets."
Reviewed by Trent C. Ward, score 92 %. "The fact is, if you're a strategy fan, you've already bought this game, and if you're not, this title could turn you around."
Review by Trent C. Ward, [9.2]. "The design team at Microprose has managed to add a score of new play elements that help the aging strategy classic evolve - without sacrificing the game's addictive qualities."
Reviewed by Aaron Nicholls, rated as Recommended Buy. "It may not be perfect, but it's pretty darn good."
Leisure Guide review - Apollo Civilization
Reviewed by Mike DeWolfe, score 75 %. "If you liked its predecessor, Civilization II is up your alley."
The Adrenaline Vault
Reviewed by Brian Clair, scoring 4,5 stars. "Civilization 2 is awesome and addicting in everyway..."
Reviewed by Stewart Waller, scoring 92%. "For me, the PC was designed to run Civilization 2. Sid Meier is a God and I'll be playing this for days, weeks, months even!"