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Conflicts in Civilization
Reviews and Previews
Democracy Games
Apolyton CS Forums - Civ2-Democracy Game, Apolyton CS Forums - Civ2-MultiSite Democracy Game, Civilization Fanatics' Forums - Civ2 - Game o, Gamecatcher Forum - Democracy Game General Discuss, Gamecatcher Forum - Multi-Site Democracy Game
Fantastic Worlds
Reviews and Previews, Star Trek: Civilization II Scenario Homepage, Trakoria
Apolyton CS Forums - Civ2-Multiplaying, CFC - Civ II Multiplayer List, Civilization Fanatics' Forums - Civ2 - Multip, Civilization II Academy, Zone.com
Multiplayer Gold Edition
Reviews and Previews, Sacrificial Blood
Reviews and Previews
CD Mag, GameSpot, GameSpot, Gamezilla, Leisure Guide review - Apollo Civilization, The Adrenaline Vault, TotalGames.net
Test of Time
Reviews and Previews, Apolyton CS - Civ II: Test of Time, Apolyton CS Forums - Civ2-Test of Time, Kestrel's Civilization II Test of Time Page, Scenario League - Tips, Tecumseh's Village, The Cradle of Civilization
Civilization II Fanatics' Center - Game of th
Aaron's Lame Page
The creator's site for Civilization Rules Editor, a small utility for editing the game rules.
Al's Civilization Web Page
Detailed game play documentation with strategies and hints.
Analysis of Civ2
A mathematical analysis of how the game works with the use of algebra.
Apolyton Civilization Site
Downloads, tips, strategies, stories, links and forums. Also has a page about tournaments.
Contains several space scenarios and a "1940" scenario.
Blakes Sanctum
Fan site with the site owner's Star Wars scenario and information related to it.
Brave New World
Modification pack with a newer version for the Fantastic Worlds add-on and an older one for the original version of the game.
Bryan's Mac Games Page
Personal site with alternative graphics.
Carl's Scenarios for Civilization II
Fan site dedicated to scenario creating. Design help, utilities, scenarios and a small collection of unit graphics.
Cedric Greene's Civilization 2 Site
Downloadable unofficial "patches" for Civ II (original and MGE) and ToT.
Chuck Magee's Civ 2 page
Personal site with several maps and an evolution patch.
Civ 2 Arcade Game Units
Collection of unit graphics from different video games.
Civ II Deity Page
Several downloadable scenarios and sample games, advices for playing on Deity dificulty level.
Civ2 Imperial Archives
Several scenarios and maps reviewed and available for download.
Civ2 Scenarios from Jason Sorens
The creator's repository of several historical scenarios (Somalian Civil War, Celts, Age of Colonialism) and a Europe modification pack.
Civil Warring Civilizations II
Fan site with a repository for historical scenarios, maps and units.
Civilización Hispánica
Personal website with files available for download. Several maps, scenarios and graphics.
Civilization 2 by Straaberg
Provides tips and strategy advices.
Civilization Essay
Essay about Civilization II and its discontents.
Civilization II - PlayStation
The official website of Activision's PlayStation version.
Civilization II CheckPoint
Fan site with a collection of maps, scenarios and other related files. Also has a small strategy section.
Civilization II Crack by Xapovtas and Steve166
Two utilities for tweaking the cheat mode and displaying the Hall of Fame ranking list without running the game.
Civilization II Emperors Domain
Strategy guide and a collection of assorted scenarios, maps and graphics.
Civilization II Fanatics' Center
Strategy guidelines, timelines, ranking information, image gallery, downloads and forums for discussions related to the title.
Civilization II Newsgroup Information
The FAQ and charter for alt.games.civ2 and a large strategy guide.
Civilization II OCC
Strategy guide for one city challenge games.
Civilization II Scenarios
Fan site with a collection of various scenarios that can be downloaded.
Civilization II Tribe Editor
Website of a tribe editing utility. Download section with the utility and tribe information files.
Civilization II units
Collection of unit graphics with over 500 units available.
Civilization Scenario Collection
Website with a collection of scenarios organised by subject.
Wast archive of scenarios, maps, modification packs and other gadgets with descriptions available for download. Some files are missing.
Utility for generating and analysing random maps.
Classic Civilization Home Page
Personal site with a small collection of selfmade Civ II MGE and FW scenarios.
Dusty's Crazy Projects
Two small map utilities made by Dusty Reichwein.
Collection of several text file FAQ's and guidelines about strategies, units, editing and diplomacy.
Greg's Civ2 Page
Tips about units, governments and city management. Small strategy section.
Website of the HiRes modpack. Feature and readme information.
History of Civilization
Collection of downloadable utilities. Also available some advices.
Hodadian Award Central
Howardian Award scenario design contests information.
In Omnia Paratus
Tutorial that guides the player through one game. Also available a strategy guide with information about units and governments.
Repository site with scenario creations by Henrik Lohmander, Vegard Bjørketun and Jesús Muñoz.
John Ellis's Civilization Scenarios
Repository for all scenario designs by John Ellis.
JR Strategy's Civilization II
Contains various strategies and several geographical maps.
Kull's Ancient Empires
Several downloabable scenarios, in-game graphics, utilities for editing and some scenario making tips.
Luke's Civilization II Page
Small site with several maps and scenarios available for download.
Science fiction, fantasy and history related scenarios with general information about them. In-game graphics files.
McKnight's Civilization II
Offers a variety of historical scenarios.
Mercator's Civilization 2 Site
Large database of scenarios, maps, graphics and other files. Scenario making guides.
Mike's Civ II
Small collection of various graphics for in-game use.
Modern Ages Modpack for Civilization II
Modification pack that brings the modern era into the game. Also available scenarios and maps from the same designer.
Original Civilization II Scenarios
Historical scenarios created by Bryan Caplan and Matthew Schwartz. Uncompressed file downloads.
Pano's Civ2
Fansite with a repository of selfmade scenarios and maps.
Paul Caldwell's Civilization 2 Page
Fan site with several scenarios, maps and modification packs.
Paul's Homepage
Personal site with a small Civ II section: several scenario reviews and other related information.
Research Planner
Explanations of the science tree of the game and a program to determine the research possibilities in the future.
Robert Steven's Civilization II Page
Home of the modification pack created by the owner of the site. Detailed information about the modpack and its effects.
Scenario League
Scenario files and utilities, also instructions and advice for scenario makers.
Shawn's Civ2 Page
Fan site that hosts a detailed unofficial FAQ document.
Stefan Härtel's Civilization Site
Collection of scenarios created by the owner of the website.
Steiner's Homepage
The designer's personal repository for his scenarios and maps.
Surf City
Collection of reviewed scenarios, maps and modification packs. Also available several utilities for editing.
Temple of Gaming
Information about the game and homespun scenarios.
The Arabic Civilization II Site
Repository of Arabia related scenarios made by the site owner and miscellaneous scenarios. Also available graphics.
The Art of War
Strategy guides for several scenarios.
The Civ2 Junction
Fan site with some scenarios and unit graphics.
The Independent Player's Homepage for Civiliz
Website of a strategy guide for Deity level. Provides ordering information.
The Nest of Birdilization
Website of a fictional bird theme modification pack.
The New Civ2 Site
Fansite with several scenarios and modification packs.
The Spanish Civilization Site
Collection of scenarios that reflect the history of Spain.
The Spoiler Centre - Civilization 2
Strategy FAQ by Edward Kenworthy.
The Superior Civilization II Web Page
Collection of 16 scenarios for the original version of the title.
The Swedish Civilzation II Site
Fan site with downloadable historical Swedish and various other scenarios.
The Tucana Civilization II Page
Several downloadable maps made by the owner of the website.
The Zadanian League
Fan site with scenarios, maps and fanfare anthems. Provides also a comprehensive scenario catalog.
Tour Eiffel Civ 2 Site
Several sophisticated modification packs available for download.
War Gallery
Website for scenarios created by Alex and Captain Nemo.