english deutsch
Brotherhood of the Dragon
Born from a merge between Fellowship of the Dragon and Brotherhood of Arms around age 10. Tag: BoD.
End Alliance
"Eternal n Deadly" Long-standing alliance, currently led by CommanWealth. Member of Zea. Tag as EnD.
Tag as HaLL, trainees tag as HF.
Honour and Justice
Formed in age 6, lead by Mordor and Ganja after Rock's retirement. Until just recently HaJ were the largest and most powerful alliance in Utopia. Tag as HaJ.
Kaer Loche alliance
This site offers a home to elite Utopian players within the game, also offering various tools to help players advance themselves within the game.
Nex Imperio
A defensive alliance that accepts both kingdoms and single provinces. Tag as NI.
Taure en'Arvandor
Home page for the TA alliance
The Black Horde
Started in age 4 as an all Orc alliance, and although they accept other races they still focus on Orc. Member of Zea. Tag as TBH.
The CyberUnionFederation (CUF)
This alliance is like a peace treaty between members... The CUF wil not bother other alliances on an alliance level