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Allince of Kings, Brotherhood of Cobalt, Kings of Kalamar, Lords of Malice Alliance, MortisLegion's Alliance, My Kings of Chaos Web Page, Order of Templars, The Japanese Ninja Clan, The Ultima Alliance
Guides and tips database of alliances and community forums.
Evil Demise's Kings of Chaos Info and Recruit
Some basic information about the game for newbies, and recruitment for those who might join.
Free Games: Kings Of Chaos
User ratings and reviews.
Kings of Chaos
Web-based massively multiplayer strategy game. Players build armies, recruit friends, buy weapons, and spy and attack on each other.
Kings of Chaos Forum
Official discussion forum. Announcements, general game discussion, strategy hints, suggestions for improvements, and alliance brokering.
Kings of Chaos Help Guide
Providing strategy, tactics, recruitment, game formulas, and alliance information.
Includes basic race information and java-based chat.
KoC Age 2 Calculator
Shows how many spies to send for best effects, and how long it will take to bank enough money to buy various items.
Supplies a strategy guide and membership information.
Outwar, Kings of Chaos and Other Spam-Provoking Ga
A bulletin board administrator complains about deceptive and off-topic posts of game recruiting links, and what can be done about the problem.
RateItAll - Ratings and Reviews of Kings of Chaos
User-submitted comments about the game.