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Cyber Gaming Network Review
[4.5/5] By Jarrett Lantz. "...[N]ot since Halo has a game so perfectly combined a gripping single player campaign with an addictive multiplayer mode with games that your friends will be talking about for days."
FrictionlessInsight Review
By Kyle Ackerman. "This new installment offers so much additional material, along with plenty of pleasant tweaks, that it is a must-have." With screen shots.
Gamaroo Review
[5/5] "...[T]hough not steeped in the innovation of the original is still an excellent, must have game..."
GameHelper Review
[8.5/10] "It would be more accurate to call it Advance Wars 1.5, since it hasn't been upgraded as much as tweaked."
Gamers Logik Review
[9/10] "The replay possibilities are just mind boggling."
Gamespot Review
[9.1/10] By Greg Kasavin. "No GBA owner should be without it..." Includes screen shots.
Gamespy Review
[82/100] By Michael Vreeland. "...better than the first..." Includes screen shots.
IGN Review
[9/10] By Craig Harris. "...[T]he sequel proves that the game design still works even if you've played the original to death." Includes screen shots and videos.
NetJak Review
[9.5/10] "In my book, AW2 is a must have game..."