Angels of Death
Clan with strict entry tests and conditions. Offers rules, news, and strategies.
Burning Clan
A clan that plays on the Zone. News, members, forum, strategies, joining information, and downloads.
Canadian Clan
A Canadian Clan devoted to playing all games in the series.
Centurions of Justice
Brief entry page for this Age of Empires clan.
Clan 187
Short description of their history as well as member listings, downloads, and links.
Crazelot Clan
Comprehensive site including news, rules, forum, help, and joining instructions.
Disciples of Death
News, members, joining instructions, forum, chatroom, and background game information.
Fight With Honour
Multi-game clan, news, members, background, fora, and history.
Grumpy Old Farts
Not just for kids. Offers memberlists and profiles, downloads, game history, and joining information.
Jade Falcon
Clan details, joining instructions, code of conduct, and members.
Jet Falcon
Official site for the clan including a member list and joining instructions.
Lady Amazon Clan
All female clan, site includes news, joining instructions, links, and artwork.
Allies, enemies, members, awards, joining instructions, and a members only area.
MAD Clan
News, members, allies, enemies, and joining instructions.
Maximum Carnage
News, members, joining instructions, and tournaments. Requires the Flash plugin.
News, tournaments, joining instructions, rules, chatroom meetings, members, and rankings.
Paladinz Clan
MSN Gaming Zone clan, news, members, message board, allies, enemies, downloads, ranks, and competitions.
Shark Clan
Gaming clan, site includes member details and an e-mail contact address.
Stealth Clan
Age of Empires cheats, clan news, members, wars, and joining instructions.
Strength to the Hen Clan
Gives clan statistics and membership list and information.
STS Clan
News, members, mailing list, laws, events, and joining instructions.
The Master Empire [TME] Clan
Age of Empires clan on the zone. News, background, and tryouts.
Time for Pain
Tournament gaming clan, site includes joining instructions.
Underwater Demolition Team (UDT)
Well established Age of Empires clan on the Zone; members, history, diplomacy, clan wars, links, and news.
Unknown One
Members, allies, enemies, screenshots, civilizations, technologies. Looking for new members.
Deathmatch clan, site includes a member list and joining instructions.
World Domination
A Rise of Rome trial version clan. Members, clans, joining instructions, downloads, tips, and screenshots.