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"A fantastic game." Review with screen shots.
Reviewed by: Shane Satterfield, score 8.8/10. "Its unstable frame rates can occasionally hamper the gameplay experience."
Review by Andrew Bub, with screen shots. Score: 90 out of 100.
"SSX Tricky has amazing graphics, hands down. There arent any weather effects in the game, but thatll hardly be noticed with the amazing level design and diverse textured backgrounds." Reviewed by Alex Karls.
"SSX is special. And the reason for that is the incredible replayability and the pure game design it offers." Review by Andrew S. Bub with screen shots.
The Armchair Empire
"Comes close to Pure Gaming Joy." Review by Omni with score [9/10] and screen shots.
"It is the best version around, but it's because the game is just so much fun that people should pick this one up. If you've own the PS2 version or have played it before, there's not much point." Written by Chris Leyton.
XBOX Exclusive.com
"There really isn't much that I can find with the game that is wrong, or even remotely wrong, other than Eddie. There isn't a reason to have hair that big and that orange in any type of game." Review by Drew Guirey with screen shots.