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EA Sports
Official site. Features game features, player statistics, pictures and descriptions of the courts, and music samples.
Reviewed by Jeff Gerstmann [8.4/10]. Features screen shots, cheat codes, hints, and gameplay movies. [GameCube]
Reviewed by Jeff Gerstmann [8.4/10]. Features screen shots, cheats and hints, and gameplay movies. [PlayStation 2]
Reviewed by Jeff Gerstmann [8.4/10]. Features cheats and hints, screen shots, and gameplay movies. [Xbox]
Reviewed by Bryn Williams [4.5/5]. "An incredibly cool and playable arcade basketball game that never gets boring." Includes screen shots. [GameCube]
Reviewed by Zach Meston [5/5]. "The best street-ball game ever? No, potentially the best sports game ever!" Includes screen shots. [PlayStation 2]