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EA Sports
Official site. Features, screen shots, movies, press clippings, downloads, and forums.
GameGuru Mania
Review with screen shots, movies, and system requirements. Score: 80%.
Review of Xbox version by Steve Steinberg. Features screen shots. "In the second year of its rebuilding process, NBA Live continues to look good." Score: 4 out of 5.
Review of PlayStation 2 version by Steve Steinberg. Includes screen shots. "Its new controls, ultra-deep dynasty mode, and improved look show that The House of Madden knows just as much about roundball as it does about pigskin, pucks, and left turns at Daytona." Score: 4 out of 5.
My Gamer
PlayStation 2 version reviewed by Chris DeMarco. Score: 8 out of 10.
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PlayStation 2 review with screen shots [9.1/10].
Xbox Axis
Reviewed by Wayne Santos. Includes screen shots. "This is a very well balanced game that has enough simplicity to pick up quickly, but the nuances of the controls allow you to pull some truly impressive plays as you rise in skill." Score: 8 out of 10.