english deutsch
Review by James Hamer-Morton, with screen shots. Score: 8 out of 10.
Review. Score: 6/10
Gamers Europe: Hands On
Preview of PlayStation 2 version by Alix Barningham, with screen shots.
Review of PlayStation 2 version by Ryan O'Donnell. Includes screen shots. Score: 3/5
Gaming Nexus
Review by Cyril Lachel, with screen shots. "XIII is far from the best first person shooter on the PlayStation 2, but it does offer a compelling story and a unique cast of characters. Throw in an online component and it's almost worth recommending." Score: 7 out of 10.
Review Gamer
Review by James Brown, with screen shots. "Although the game may be just another FPS to most people, those that take the time to look will find a brilliant little gem of a game." Score: 8.16 out of 10.
The Armchair Empire
Review by Jay Tonello, with screen shots. "If you can overlook the few issues with the AI, then XIII is by and large a good game and recommended for fans of first-person shooters." Score: 7.4 out of 10.
Review by Michael Palisano, with screen shots. Grade: B+
Preview of PlayStation 2 version by Thomas Wilde. Includes screen shots.
Review with screen shots. Score: 7.6/10