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7th Platoon
Information on the PC Ghost recon clan 7th Platoon. Current clan news and rosters can be found.
Danish clan website, has information on the clan, its activities and how to join them.
Blackjacks Ghost Recon clan website, information on how to join the clan, up to date rosters, ranks and downloads.
Clan eXtreme Hunters
eXtreme Hunters clan website. Members list and links to various websites.
FNG Clan
Ghost Recon clan. Ladder and clan rules. Also has downloads reviews and forums.
PC Ghost Recon clan site with news, forums, roster, and screen shots.
Hybrid Ghost Recon
Roster, clander and forums for Ghos Recon clan Hybrid.
Lock'n Load Clan Website =2L=
Clan website with forums and member lists with screen shots and a ladder.
Skull Bangers
Features roster, clan statistics, forums, and chat.
Tactical Assination Squad
Features forums, links, member roster, server list, battle logs, and contact information.
Team [SWE]
Features members list, forums, downloads for modifications and screen shots, and links.
The Combat Specialists [TCS] :: Ghost Recon Clan
Website for the Ghost Recon clan The Combat Specialists. Clan rules, forums, and rosters can be found here. Information on how to join is also available.
The GSS clan
The GSS clan homepage. Site contains clan roster and information.
The Recon Recruits
Features clan rankings, member statistics and information on joining the clan.
UNATCO Ghost Recon
Contains, cheats, and news, plus maps, patches and modifications.