english deutsch
Action Trip
Review, with screen shots. Score: 79 out of 100.
Preview of Windows version by Uros Jojic. Includes screen shots.
Preview of PC version by Caroline Roberts. Includes screen shots.
Preview by Caroline Roberts. She writes: "I've just set my eyes on something incredibly scary, intense, and graphically pleasurable."
Reviewed by Jakub Wojnarowicz, with screen shots. "It accomplishes what it sets out to do, but little else." Score: 81 out of 100.
Frictionless Insight: Preview
By Rob de los Reyes. "You'll have a decidedly unholy arsenal at your disposal for use in this inter-planar war."
Preview by Lukasz Piotrowicz.
Gamers Hell
Previewed by Burt Carver. "...[W]hile coming out around the same time as as HalfLife 2 and Doom3 [it] is a completely different game and should appeal to the 'hordes of monsters' crowds."
By Tristan Mayshark. "The environmental detail throughout the game is decent, but in the boss arenas, special care has been taken to make for unique battles." Includes screen shots.
Review with screen shots and reader ratings. Score: 70%.
PC Gameworld: Preview
Preview by Michael Bordelon. "Enemies reacted quite realistically to gunfire, and their undead bodies became airborne as I unloaded on them with a machine gun."
Preview of PC version, with screen shots.
The Laser
By Michael Palisano. "From an aesthetic standpoint, the game looks quite intense."
The Stratos Group
Preview of the game by Kaigen. "I came away impressed and firmly convinced that Painkiller will wind up being a great buy for any fan of fast, frantic shooters".
The Stratos Group
Preview of the PC version, with screen shots. "Having now played four single-player levels of the game and two boss levels, I can say with certainty that Painkiller is an arcade shooter to watch for in 2004."
Preview by Jolex Del Pilar who writes: "PainKiller is going to fill a niche that caters to gamers who require 100% action, nothing more, nothing less".
Wicked Toast: Preview
By Mike Butt. "Based on looks alone, Painkiller will undoubtedly succeed."
Preview, with screen shots. "...[I]f you liked Serious Sam and that style of gameplay you will have an absolute blast playing through Painkiller..."