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Action Vault
Review by Craig Morrison with screen shots. "The underground action is quite fun when it occurs and does bring a genuine new style of gameplay, but unfortunately, it just doesn't happen often enough with the current rule set, giving the whole affair a rather hollow feel."
Digital Back Spin
Review by Rick Heaton, with screen shots. "As much as I enjoy PlanetSide, it's hard to be enthusiastic about Core Combat." Score: 67/100
Review of the expansion.
Frictionless Insight
[4/5] Review by Kyle Ackerman. "Core Combat adds a lot that improves the original title, and adds substantial content both for owners of the expansions and players of the original." Includes screen shots.
Review by Greg Bemis, with screen shots. Score: 1 out of 5. "[This expansion] introduces far more gameplay problems than solutions."
Game Club Central
Review by Matt Gawrecki, with screen shots and system requirements. Score: 7.9 out of 10.
Game Vortex
Review by Andrew Horwitz with screen shots and system requirements. Score: 7.5/10
Review by Jason Frothingham, with screen shots. "The game has been dragged down with Core Combat, and the PlanetSide community doesn't seem to want to address these problems." Score: 2 out of 10.
Gamers With Jobs
Review with screen shots and user comments. "Much as I really wanted to say lots of good things about Core Combat I find the negatives outweigh the positives right now."
Reviewed by Stephen Vernon Smith. Includes screen shots and reader comments. Score: 9.7 out of 10.
[6.4/10] Review by Andrew Park. "If you're a diehard PlanetSide fan looking to expand your game, you should definitely consider Core Combat." Includes screen shots and system requirements.
Reviewed by Jason McMaster. Includes screen shots and reader ratings. Score: 2 out of 5.
Review by Alex Karls with screen shots. "Not only is this a worthwhile expansion, but with the changes made to Planetside, the whole game is much the better."
[8.5/10] Review by Kevin Giacobbi with screen shots.
[6.5/10] Review with screen shots by Tom McNamara. "Fighting in the Core is too disorienting and transportation too roundabout to recommend plunking down $30, especially when actual combat in the Core is so infrequent."
Review by Michael Filby, with screen shots. "You'll go down into the caverns once, but you'll probably not bother going down again." Score: 4.3 out of 10.
[6/10] Review by Tim Partlett. Includes screen shots, system requirements and user comments.
PC Magazine
Short review by Peter Suciu. Includes screen shots. Score: 4 out of 5.
Review Gamer
Review by Ian Fernandes, with screen shots. Score: 6.8 out of 10.
The Adrenaline Vault
Review by Keith Durocher, with screen shots. "Expansions rarely shine quite as strongly as this one: the classic feel of the ancient tech is pure gold; the drastically different locations are a welcome change of pace, and the new items are both fun and devastating to use." Score: 4 out of 5.
The Laser
Review by Michael Palisano. "...[O]ffers players great value for their dollar and the enhancements are far more than skin deep." Includes screen shots. Grade: B
The Stratos Group
Review, with screen shots and system requirements. "If you are a Planetside fanatic, this game is for you. However, for the average Joe who only plays a couple times a week, this game doesn't offer enough that's new to justify spending the cash." Score: 3.5 out of 5.
Review with screen shots. "Overall, it is a satisfying and delicious addition to the game, with one downside: The new underground areas are ghost towns."
Review by Mark Crump, with screen shots. "While I wished the ...expansion was in use by more of the player-base, I'm confident the [development team] will perform the necessary tweaks to draw more players in, because the idea of the subterranean combat is exciting and Core Combat provides a great foundation." Score: 8.8 out of 10.