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ELiTeD - Die Hard: Vendetta Review (Gamecube)
"I'm not sure there are many die hard - Die Hard fans out there, but if so, they will most likely pick up this game." Includes screen shots.
GameBiz.com - Die Hard: Vendetta Preview (Xbox)
By Michael Griesser. "If the stealth and player action elements prove to be useful then Die Hard Vendetta may actually have a fan club following it..." Includes screen shots.
Reviewed by By Jon M. Gibson (1/5). "Unless you're an über-fan of the Die Hard franchise, there's absolutely no reason to play this." Includes screen shots. [GameCube]
Nintendo Now - Die Hard: Vendetta Review
[2.7/5] By Adrian Santiago. "It certainly wasn't what I would have hoped for."
Sierra: Die Hard Vendetta
Official site. Includes multimedia downloads and screen shots, descriptions of characters, weapons and gameplay, news and discussion forum. [Requires Flash player]
TechTV: 'Die Hard: Vendetta' (Gamecube)
[3/5] By Jason D'Aprile. "There are some great bits of level design to be found here, but it's a shame that the stealth elements are used almost entirely as linear puzzles."