english deutsch
Alpha Soldat Maps
Contains downloads of maps and interfaces.
Dustbag's Soldat Workshop
Includes downloads of maps and graphics packs, with guide to creating custom scenery.
Eyic's Stuff
Includes comics, weapons modifications, and maps.
Neodyne's Soldat Skin Pack
Includes download of weapons skin pack, with description of weapons and FAQ.
Serial Killer Mods
Offers three modifications for download.
Official site, with news, download, manual, FAQ, screenshots, forum, and list of servers. [English/Polish]
Soldat Battlecenter
Includes downloads of maps and patches, with forum.
Soldat Fanpage
Game features, servers, maps, manual, and game download.
Soldat Hangout
Features taunt editor and kill-log reader.
Soldat MaM
Custom maps and modifications, including utilities to change skin color and interface.
Soldat Map Out-Post
Features downloads of maps, comics, and screenshots.
Soldat Mods
Contains download of Kaliber, World War II, and Command and Conquer modifications for Soldat.
Underdogs: Soldat
Contains game description with download.