Thousand Arms
Epinions,, GameFAQs,, GameSpot, RPG Dreamers: Thousand Arms, Thousand Arms
Threads of Fate
Reviews and Previews, Cheat Code Central: Threads Of Fate, Fancy Mel's Atelier, GameFAQs: Threads of Fate, GameSpot: Threads of Fate, Threads of Fate, GSCCC: Threads Of Fate Codes, IGN: Threads of Fate, Threads of Fate, RPG Dreamers: Threads of Fate, RPGamer: Threads of Fate
Time Stalkers Time Stalkers Review, GameFAQs: Time Stalkers, GameSpot: Time Stalkers Review, IGN: Time Stalkers
Towers II
Atari Times: Towers II, Cheek.Org: Atari Jaguar Towers II, IGN: Towers II: Plight of the Stargazer, Telegames: Jaguar Towers II, Towers 2 Post