FanFiction.Net: Skies of Arcadia
Contains fan fiction.
Marc Cellucci
Contains commentary about Sega's official site from the site's writer.
RPGFan: Eternal Arcadia Screen Shots
Contains English and Japanese screenshots.
RPGFan: Skies of Arcadia Artwork
Contains official Sega artwork.
RPGFan: Skies of Arcadia Wallpaper
Contains downloadable wallpapers.
Skies of Arcadia Fanworks
Archive containing fan fiction, fan art, and links to similar sites.
Skies Of Arcadia Picture Gallery
Contains screenshot galleries.
Skies of Arcadia World
Includes guides, FAQs, strategies, fan games, fan fiction, fan art, humor, downloads, and forum.
Vyse shrine, including character analysis, item and attack lists, quotes, artwork, and Winamp skins.
The Heroes Engine of Palladium Fantasy
Includes a Palladium conversion based on Skies of Arcadia.
The Shadow and Gilder Shrine
A fan site dedicated to the character Gilder. Includes screenshots, character bio, and special abilities.