Persona Series
Megami Tensei Persona - Be Your True Mind Japan, Persona 2 - Eternal Punishment, Persona 2 - Innocent Sin Japan, Atlus USA: Persona
Phantasy Star Series
Chats and Forums, Cheats and Hints, Clans and Guilds, Fan Pages, Fan Works, Phantasy Star, Phantasy Star Collection, Phantasy Star II, Phantasy Star III, Phantasy Star IV
Phantom Brave
GameFAQs, GameSpot, Nippon Ichi's Phantom Brave, PS2.IGN, Rpg Dreamers Phantom Brave
Pirates of the Caribbean
ActionTrip, Armchair Empire - Xbox Review, FiringSquad: Home of the Hardcore Gamer,, GameSpy,,, GameZone, GameZone,
Pok+®mon Games
Chats and Forums, Cheats and Hints, Downloadable Games, Fan Pages, Hey You, Pikachu, Humor, Pok+®mon Colosseum, Pok+®mon Crystal, Pok+®mon Dash, Pok+®mon Fire Red and Leaf Green