english deutsch
The Internet Chess Club's proprietary client. Freeware, Windows only. Several languages supported.
Freeware, Windows 98/ME/2000/XP. It should also run on Windows 95 and NT4 but is untested on those systems.
Chess Client
Interface for FICS and ICC. Freeware, Windows 95/98 or NT.
Chess program Pirat
Graphical interface for classical correspondence and email chess players. Includes instructions, endgame databases, engines and links.
An 3D chess client for Windows.
Dorky Chess
A freeware Windows chess engine compatible with Winboard.
A very featureful and polished interface for ICC. Freeware, Windows only.
Based on CClient but has a completely new user interface and some interesting features. Works on ICC and FICS, freeware, Windows only.
A fairly simple but complete interface for FICS. Freeware, Windows only.
Based on Winboard, offers enhancements for playing speed chess on ICC and FICS. GPL licensed, Windows only.
Net Blitz II
Playable over the Internet or against a computer.
A fairly old and no longer developed interface. Not very pretty, but very fast and is quite featureful. Shareware, Windows only (including 3.1)