9.95 CHESS
[Commercial -$9.95, no demo] Based on the free Openchess Palm (below) but with more features 150 kb [updated 10/27/03]
Chess Everywhere
[$6 for 6 months] For wireless Palms - front end for chess servers (FICS/ICC)
Chess for PalmOS
Tiger-Genius match, Tiger/Genius/PocketChess test scores, short reviews of 7 others..
Chess on the Palm OS
Review of Chess Genius 1.3 and PocketChess 2.2.
Chess Quantum 3.0
[$9 Commercial] Chess playing program, color, hi-res, OS5 support, 766 Kb,
Chess Tiger 14.5 vs Chess Genius 1.3
A USCF Life Master reports on a 26-game match between these Palm programs.
Chess Tiger 15.1 for Palm
[Commercial - $20, free demo] The strongest Palm chess program for non ARM Palms, color/greyscale, reads/writes PGN. Uses 295Kb RAM [updated 9/9/2003].
Chess Tiger for Palm PDAs
Review of Chess Tiger chess-playing program.
Chess Timer for Palm
Utility for the Palm line of devices which replaces a mechanical chess timer.
ChessGenius 2.2 for Palm
[Commercial -$25, free demo] World chess champion engine, ARM/68K support, color, PGN, infrared play. Uses 160Kb RAM [updated 2/15/2005].
ChessGenius for Palm
Review of ChessGenius program on the Palm platform.
Chessmaster 1.5.6 for Palm
- [Commercial - $19, free demo] Configurable oppoonents, Color/greyscale, uses 360+ Kb RAM [updated 3/19/2003]
[Shareware $25] Reads/Writes chess games in PGN format. Does NOT play chess itself - it lets you play over games. V3.03 (in beta) works with the DGT sensory board.
Chromagames 1.76
[Shareware-$20] Chess, checkers, and backgammon in one 444kb package. Greyscale/color/hires display.[Updated 6/28/2004]
Double Chess 3.1
[Shareware-$15] Plays chess against you, includes double-board option. [V3.1 4/17/2004]
HIARCS 9.5a Palm
[Commercial $40.00, free demo] Strongest ARM Palm chess program, beat GM 3-1 in match, ARM/68K, color, PGN, hi-res, 500 kb [Updated 12-15-04]
Internet ChessClub Client
[Shareware $18.50] Lets you play chess online at the Internet Chess Club
OpenChess 2.0
[Free] Port of GNUChess to Palm - required color Palm [V2.0 11/15/2003]
Palm Chess: HIARCS, Genius, Tiger
Rates the playing strength of these three programs and estimates their ratings.
Chess Database for PalmPilot (different from PalmChess for WinCE) like ChessPad.
PocketChess 2.0 vs. Chess Genius 1.2
A report by Toby Robison about a seven game match between these two chess programs, at various time controls.
PocketChess Deluxe 2.5
[Shareware - $20] Full featured chess for Palm with color, PGN, infrared, variation support, 3000 game database (234Kb).
Rampart Chess 2.5 for Palm
[Commercial -$9.95, no demo] hires support, OS5 enhanced, 5 levels of game play, two-player mode, position setup 263Kb