Chess Browser 1.41
[Shareware $10] OSX (only) PGN reader with Yahoo chess import, HTML export, annotation editing. Updated 11/21/2004.
Chess Games in SigmaChess Format
Thousands of games in SigmaChess format organized by opening.
[Commercial-$20] 1 million chess games on CD-ROM, with included database browser, various freeware Mac chess software.
ExaChess 3.1.2
[Shareware] Reads/writes chess game databases in ChessBase, NICBase, PGN, EPD and ExaChess formats. Supports seven "plug-in" chess engines. Updated 9/26/2004.
jose 1.3
[Freeware] Java Chess Database for Mac OSX with 3D display and Crafty 19 engine.
[$35 Commercial] Program for storing and replaying chess games. Games can be animated and displayed in various chess notations and fonts.
Mac chess databases
Discusses SCID and ExaChess, and provides instructions on installing SCID on the Macintosh
[Shareware] An OS9 program for displaying games from PGN databases.
[Shareware] Reads chess databases in PGN format, lets you play over games. Will read the games out loud.
A free Unix chess database application that runs in OSX under the X11 environment. See "Mac Chess Databases" below for installation instructions.
Using UCI engines in Scid via Polyglot
How to use Mac UCI Chess engnes ( Fruit, Gothmog, Glarung, HIARCS, Ruffian, Deep Sjeng) in SCID