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PaRappa the Rapper
Reviews and Previews, Game Winners: Parappa The Rapper, Neoseeker's PaRappa the Rapper Resources, PlayStation: Parappa the Rapper, Whimsyload: Parappa The Rapper
PaRappa the Rapper 2
GamePro.com, GameSpot Review, IGN, PlanetPS2, PSX Nation
Um Jammer Lammy
Reviews and Previews, Anime Lyrics: Um Jammer Lammy lyrics, Elfwood FanQuarter: fan art by Sarah Guilbeaux, IGN: Rapping with Parappa's Maker, Level 80, Neoseeker's Um Jammer Lammy Resources, Pink Milk and Munchies BBS, Um Jammer Lammy, Whimsyload
GameSpot News: Parappa 3 coming to PS2
"At a press unveiling of the Parappa anime series, Sony Computer Entertainment confirmed the development of Parappa 3 for the PlayStation 2."
Totally PaRappa The Rapper
Contains storyline, cheats and screenshots for games 1 and 2.