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Caroline's Fun Web Pages
Contains information about Pokémon and the Monster Rancher Series.
Castle Keep
Reviews for Nintendo and PlayStation games.
Cheats R Us
Reviews and codes for games on Gameboy, Nintendo 64, and Playstation.
Chimp Kingdom
Contains fan reviews and links to trailers.
Chris' Home Page
Cheats, biography, downloads and gaming information.
Cinnabar Island
Pokemon site with pictures, cheats and tips, message boards, chat, news, links, adoption center, trainer battles, battle chart, and puzzles.
Clough's Cheats
Games and cheats for Nintendo 64 and Playstation, as well as links to other cheat code sites.
Codeman's Palace: Beyond
Cheat codes for Dreamcast, Gameboy, Macintosh, Windows, Nintendo 64, PlayStation and PlayStation 2, release dates, help and discussion message board, and polls.
Conquest of the New World Central
Conquest of the New World strategies, hints and tips, and cheat codes. Also includes information about Sim City and Zoo Tycoon.
Cool Games 'R' Us!
Contains cheats, strategies, and walkthroughs.
Cool Sk8ergamer Homepage
Cheats and galleries for various games.
Creative Uncut
Coverage of video games for all systems with wallpaper, sales charts, pictures, and forums.
Crimsonhellikite's Gaming Station
Information on RPG games, Emulators/ROMS, and Furcadia.
Cross Treewinds
Madden NFL 2001 tips, Winamp skins, Everquest pictures, and links.
A guide and reference to Cyberball.