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Includes review, news, downloads, and screen shots.
GameZone Online
[8.5/10] Reviewed by: Gil Alexander Shif. "...doesn't offer anything new or creatively original, it does a good job of doing what it does." Includes screenshots.
N3 Racers Online
Contains online driver's cars, painter's cars, setups, and links.
Neoseeker Nascar Racing 3 Profile Page
Offering previews, links, downloads, and screenshots.
Neutron Star Productions
Contains downloads of car skins.
Sod Buster Racing
Nascar3 online race team site. Setups, car files, and league links.
Southern Racing League
Online arcade League racing. Racing N3 cars, trucks, legends, an I.R.O.C. Screen shots and pictures of cars an drivers. A place where you can still take the seats out of the family car an race.