english deutsch
Adventureland: Lankhor
Adventureland: Larsoft
LavaMind, The Celebrity Cafe: Interview
Learning Company, The
Titles, Adventureland: Learning Company, The, Learning Co
Legacy Interactive
Legacy Interactive
Legend Entertainment
Titles, Adventureland, Legend Text Adventure
Legend Software
Adventureland: Legend Software
Level 9
Titles, Adventureland: Level 9 Computing, Level 9, Level 9: Past Masters of the Adventure Game, Sinclair User: On the level, The Dungeon Masters, The Level 9 Fact List, The Level 9 Memorial
Lionhead Studios
Titles, Lionhead Studios
B3ta: Jeff Minter, Jeff Minter, Llama-Scores, Llamasoft, Llamasoft Archive, The History of Llamasoft, YakYak
Looking Glass
Titles, Adventureland: Looking Glass Studios, Through the Looking Glass: Honoring the Legacy of
Titles, International House of Mojo, The, LucasArts, LucasArts Entertainment Company, LucasClub, SCUMM: Adventure, Soundfont Island, The LucasArts Adventurer's Club, Within Limits: Advancing the Art of Game Design at
L4 Software
Contract programming company that develops programs for the PC and console platforms Projects include WalZ, Breakout 2000, Speedster II, and Sky Copter II.
Level-5 Inc
Developers of Dark Chronicle, Dark Cloud and Dark Cloud 2. Includes company information, games and links.
Lizard Soft Programming
Developer of Turkey Shoot and FaxMachine.
Lucky Chicken
Developer of Battle Tanx and Tyco RC Assault with a Battery.
Lucky Rabbit Games
Develops freeware games.
The Learning Company
Information on the company.