Duo Planet Italy
Italian website for Duo gamers worldwide. Games exchange, guestbook, and Duo links.
Jadeite's Turbo Grafx-16 Page
Dedicated to the Turbo Grafx-16, Turbo Duo.
PC Engine.net
Excellent resource for PC Engine related information, including screenshots, reviews, and console information.
PC Enginefx.com
Information and images of the NEC PC-FX covering the PC Engine, Playdia, Dreamcast, J-POP, and NeoGeo Pocket.
The Dark City Productions Duo Pages
Information about the PC Engine/Turbo Grafx 16, a Valis homepage, and the Error Archive (screens displayed without a Super System^3 card).
Turbo Grafx Addict
Provides cover scans of both Japanese and United States release games.
Turbo List home page
This is the place to find the Turbo-List mailing list.