Apathy, Aztec Empire's World, Big Red Death - Clanwars, BugLady's Basic Stellar Crisis Page, Chaos, Chasmys - Eric Robinson, Dustin Fulton, Eikoor, Golden Warrior, Kat's Cradle
Tournaments and Leagues
International Stellar Crisis League, SC Olympics, Stellar Crisis Clan Wars, Stellar Kings Team Challenge, The Bridier Ranking System for Stellar Crisis
Explanation of V3.0 Series Variables and Terminolo
Glossary of terms used to describe the parameters of a series of games, including the new features introduced in Version 3. Also details the costs and abilities of all ship types, with formulas.
Gooseberry's Stellar Crisis School
Intermediate and advanced tactics, including a detailed discussion of the Cuckoo Blitz series. Last updated early in 2000.
SC Advanced Pop Trick FAQ
Tactics for achieving explosive population growth, at various stages of the game. Includes detailed text with formulas and examples, and a quick reference summary sheet. By Orion Empire.
Skai's Guide to Cloakers
Suggestions on various ways to use the surprise factor of hidden ships to spoil an opponent's plans. Not updated since 1999, but the tactics are still valid.
SourceForge: Project Info - Stellar Crisis Origina
Repository for SC source code (written in Pike, the scripting language for the Roxen web server), bug reports, game player and developer mailing lists, and related documentation.
Stellar Crisis Club
Bulletin board for SC players. [Requires free Yahoo registration.]
Stellar Crisis Game Availability
Shows open games on the various servers. Note that due to restrictions on wins and scores required to join games, any given empire may see a different set of open games.
Stellar Crisis Room
General resource for the free, interactive web war/strategy game. Includes FAQ, beginner's tutorial, links to active servers, annotated archive of past game maps, build calculators, history of the game, and news about players and servers.