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Adrenaline Vault Review
Rated 3.5/5 by Jonathan Houghton. "Despite some of the bugs, realMYST is everything that the Millers could ever have hoped for, and the validation of Cyan's existence."
Adventure Collective: Myst Revisited
"realMYST is the culmination of the original vision of Myst by the Miller brothers." By Philip Jong.
Computer Games Online Review
Rated 4/5 by Benjamin E. Sones. "RealMYST is the ultimate nostalgia trip-a classic game that plays just as you remember it, untouched by the hand of time."
Four Fat Chicks Review
"realMyst is the technological grandchild of the original game. It is really the same old fable of greed and evil and hope and redemption wearing a fancy new dress and the latest shade of Revlon lipstick." By Orb.
GameSpot Review
Rated 6.4/10 by Ron Dulin. "It may be a novelty, but it's still a mostly worthwhile one for those who fondly remember Myst." 30 screen shots. Reader reviews.
IGN Review
Rated 6.5/10 by Vincent Lopez. "A beautiful but problematic journey back to the original Myst seems to please no one."
Just Adventure Review
Rated B by Ray Ivey. "I can heartily recommend you explore this new version of a classic, as long as you bought your computer, say, five minutes before reading this review."
My Trip Back to Myst Island
James Korwek gives his impressions of realMyst in a travelogue-style article. [Just Adventure]
Review by Andrew "Zarf" Plotkin
"RealMyst... is a fine new version, which captures everything that was Myst and then improves on a few rough corners."