A for Adventure Review
Brief review of the game, along with system requirements and screenshots.
Adventure Games Hall of Fame: Beneath a Steel Sky
Review with 6 screenshots and walkthrough.
AGDB Review
Review by Marc Buhmann. "One of the best 3-D adventure games I've played."
AGDB Review
Review by Isaac Abraham. "Even without the sound, BASS is one of the best adventure games I`ve ever played."
MobyGames: Beneath a Steel Sky
Game information, description, box art, credits, user reviews.
Quandary Review
"The graphics were somewhat blocky, the music sounded like a series of (at times annoying) mobile phone ring tones, and some of the dialogue was rather corny, but all up I had a fair bit of fun with Robert Foster and his robot pal Joey."
Revolution: Beneath a Steel Sky
Developer's product page. A little information and a few review quotes.
Universal Hint System (UHS)
Select specific questions and view hints in progressively detailed steps, from subtle nudges to full answers.